Release the old story.

Your breakthrough starts here.

STOP doubting yourself and gain the clarity you need to move forward. 

RELEASE the old patterns keeping you stuck.

Replace your limiting beliefs with the TRUTH.

Finally LET GO of your pain and/or attachment to a trauma bond.


“Katia Beeden is the real deal. Her gift of insight and knowledge is extraordinary. Durning my session I began to feel a positive shift. Damaging beliefs I held began to fall away… And a solid sense of self-sufficiency emerged. I’m beginning to feel like my True Self. I love this new adventure unfolding. Thank you Katia!”  Dana Lichtstrahl


NOW is the time to fix the next 10 years of your life.


Are you ready to:


Take a leap forward?

Get back in touch with yourself?

Break the cycle of toxicity?




If you want the intimacy and challenge of deep coaching, this private 90-min call with Katia will facilitate your breakthrough. Includes the optional recording of the call.

The key to a deeper level of healing is to uncover the unconscious blocks that are keeping you stuck in old patterns.

If you don’t clear up the internal beliefs (you don’t even know you have!) your subconscious will sabotage your efforts and cause you to act in ways that reconfirm these pesky limiting beliefs.

It’s the hard truth.

To create a better outcome, you have to find a better way.

You can’t “force” your limiting beliefs and inner blocks to simply “disappear.” You need a tool or a technique that can clear away what stands in the way of you and your goals.

That’s where your Breakthrough comes in.

It’s a massive inner shift that will completely rewire your entire approach… and unlock a new path to finally see results that not only heal… but propel you to new levels of personal growth and development.


Remove the negative thoughts and feelings that are holding you hostage and stay grounded and focused as you move forward.


This can include limiting beliefs and feelings you’ve held onto for decades as well as the counter intentions you picked up from other people or your childhood.

You’ll discover an inner resource that allows you to start to see dramatic changes, starting from day one.

Narcissistic abuse is devastating, confusing and potentially life-shattering. Whether you’ve just realized the truth, or been on your healing journey for a while, this Breakthrough session will give you the tools you need to move forward with your life.

Let’s cut through the fog and get to the root of what’s keeping you stuck in these painful cycles.

Gain a fresh perspective to help validate what you are feeling and experiencing.

Release the emotional block and old belief that is undercutting your sense of self-worth.

Have the confidence and clarity you need to best navigate your next steps.


A shift in your energy and mindset could be just the catalyst you need to get unstuck.

Transform your confusion, pain, fear or grief into action and wisdom… and leave the session changed.


Be fully seen and heard as you release from the root cause and reconnect to the TRUTH. By reclaiming your personal power, the way forward becomes crystal clear… and easier.

As a trauma-informed self-love coach, I use a combination of modalities and trainings to work with my clients.


I understand that no person or situation is the same. This is not a cookie cutter coaching session. The session is  tailored to your specific needs.


Working deeply with your inner self is the fastest and most effective way to create real and lasting change in your life.

It’s such a relief to finally be to be seen and heard by someone who gets it.


One of the many painful consequences of narcissistic abuse, is the added layer of isolation you feel, especially when no one believes you.

Whether it’s because of ignorance, a successful smear campaign, or people close to you choosing to stay in denial, it leaves you, the truth teller, feeling utterly abandoned and alone.

You begin to doubt yourself and in the process, you lose self-trust.

Speaking to someone who who understands the subtle complexities of narcissistic abuse is incredibly healing and supportive.


Your days of feeling stuck are over.


Get in touch with your inner voice

Take back your power

Release the limiting beliefs that are keeping you trapped.


I understand that healing from trauma is a complex and sensitive process, which is why my breakthrough sessions are tailored to your unique needs and experiences. I use evidence-based techniques to help you navigate you clear the way forward.

Firstly, we spend time getting to the root of your most pressing issue. Then I will guide you through a process to help release the blocks that have been holding you back.

This may involve inner child work, parts work, or somatic body work for example. I assess what is best suited to YOU and your deepest need.

Lastly, you will have time to integrate as we clarify your next best steps.


A Breakthrough session is especially for you if you need immediate relief from unrelenting pain.

It’s hard to put the enormity of what Katia did for me in one 90 min session.”  

I have tried to find a therapist for the last 5 years to help me deal with a difficult relationship. The 8 therapists I tried were useless. I was a therapist myself for 28 years and I was at a complete loss as to how to help myself.

In one 90 min session Katia performed a miracle. She listened to my story patiently and then led me on a path towards healing. She handled my initial skepticism with precise skill quickly allowing me to be open to what she teaches. I felt enormous relief of my depression, guilt and anxiety by her validating the severity of the abuse I experienced. Relief from emotional pain was the goal I wanted to achieve from our session. And she gave me that priceless gift.

I know she can’t call herself a therapist, but she is a masterful therapist with all the skills of the best therapist. She immediately tuned into my underlying feelings so that I felt understood in a way that I’ve been yearning for. I now have hope I will heal and find the inner peace I have been so desperately craving. I am going to continue to meet with Katia knowing that I finally found my guardian angel.”

Laura Vigiano, Therapist LCSW



If you want the intimacy and challenge of deep coaching, this private 90-min call with Katia will facilitate your breakthrough. Includes the optional recording of the call.

Meet your Coach.

Welcome, you’ve come to the right place!

Katia is a trauma-informed self-love coach. She helps victims of narcissistic abuse to love and value themselves so they never allow toxic relationships into their lives again!

Having navigated narcissistic abuse herself, she found many tools on her #SelfLoveJourney that helped her to heal and ultimately, thrive. She now she helps others to do the same.

After experiencing narcissistic abuse, betrayal, manipulation, abandonment or rejection, it’s normal to feel traumatized, confused and heartbroken. Katia will work deeply with you through proven healing techniques such as somatic bodywork to help you shift trauma and pain. Her intention is that you leave the session transformed.

Here are just a few ways our time together can help you breakthrough:


Identify the limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck

Reclaim access to your inner voice

Develop resilience and coping skills for ongoing healing.

The shifts that can happen in ONE session are truly life changing.

From healing trauma, to releasing a limiting belief, to reclaiming your true identity, you won’t feel the same after this session.

This is NOT for you if you are looking for a magic fix that requires zero effort on your part. When doing inner work, you are opening up to new beliefs and new ways of thinking – it is up to YOU to integrate them and more importantly, to take action in real life.

We will spend 90 minutes working together, and you will be given practical steps to make real changes in your life.



This 1:1 call with Katia is 90 minutes and combines deep coaching with inner-healing and somatic body work.


We focus on what is most pressing. These Breakthrough sessions work best when focusing on a specific issue.


If needed, after the session you may receive homework to help you integrate the work we did together.


 Your breakthrough may take less than 90 mins, or it may take a little longer. I block out enough time for you to feel complete after your session.

Here are just a few ways our time together can help you breakthrough:


Identify and release trauma around a painful relationship. Change your story and heal your tiggers and fears at the root.

Tackle core wounds and big issues like fear, abandonment, disappointment and rejection.

Let go of years of shame and feel whole, worthy and authentic.

Feel safer in your body and feel safe with who you are.




If you want the intimacy and challenge of deep coaching, this private 90-min call with Katia will facilitate your breakthrough. Includes the optional recording of the call.

But don’t just take my word for it!

Here’s what some of my clients have to say:

A few weeks after her Breakthrough Session, Kayla landed an awesome new job and completely transformed her life!

Open the door to your transformation.

“I am so blessed to have Katia as my life coach!

She pushes you to new levels, challenges your thought processes and truly light your path to find CLARITY! Katia changed my life! I’ve worked with her for over five years and after every session I step into a better version of myself!”

Vanessa Bennum @veetheyogibunny, Yogi + Personal Stretcher 

Our previous session contained within it a profound moment of change resulting in an intuitive and somatic understanding that had never been known or felt by me in the past…

I get to choose what situations I get myself into and what I don’t. Does it suit my being, or not? I get to consent positively or refuse consent. I felt my entitlement and my right to consent or refuse. This was all experienced somatically. I could feel it all in my body. The effects have changed what I put in my body, how I treat myself, how I talk to myself, how I train my body, what I commit to, how I direct my time,…..and on and on and on… This is extraordinary. I cannot thank you enough for your work!

Martin, CEO, Los Angeles

Oct, 2023

I came to Katia very open and eager to hear what she had to say.

“It was INCREDIBLE! It gave me a really beautiful sense of control over my own life and the permission to make decisions that work for ME. I am so grateful to her and to her abilities.”

Iana Sundari, Author, Birth & Death Doula

Grief Gems

I had a great experience with Katia.

She shed so much light on things that I did not realize I was holding on to, including false beliefs. The amount of information I got from one session was substantial, and I love how quickly she was able to deliver what I needed to hear to learn and grow. More importantly, I love her emphasis on doing the work ourselves. I am so grateful to have had someone point out my blind spots, and I’m very appreciative of the homework she provides in order to help change so I no longer repeat old patterns. I highly recommend Katia!

Lindsey Merle

Jul 4, 2021

Katia showed up for me in a massive way when I was at a crossroads in my life.

A lot of past trauma and stuck energy was in my psyche and physical body. With the tools, space and support Katia offered me, I was able to shift things I subconsciously knew required shifting. The phantom locked door appeared and the key was presented to me, in my hand, to access the positive shifts and new reality that was waiting for me on the other side. I am beyond grateful for the love, guidance and light Katia was able to help shine on me. I highly recommend Katia, her services, her guidance and light… especially now in such times we’re experiencing.”

Matt King, Cranialsacral Therapis, @mattkingofhealth


Blew my mind away, I am still getting goosebumps typing this! I learned so much about myself in just a few hours, that I am beginning to question everything I thought I knew! This is why I listen to my intuition so much! Thank you so much for this clarity and you have now awakened my curious side to continue working with you!

Gleoneisi Ramirez

May 12, 2020

Terms and Conditions 

Disclaimer Katia Beeden is a life coach, not a medical or health practitioner. Life coaching is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment from licensed & registered healthcare professionals nor are they a substitute for professional, legal or medical advice. Each person that engages with her coaching processes takes full responsibility for any changes or consequences that may or may not occur. You also agree to not hold Katia Beeden liable for any information that is received during a session. Any action you take as a consequence of these coaching sessions is solely your responsibility.

Payment, No-Shows, Cancellations & Refunds Pre-Paid Coaching Sessions are non-refundable. All sessions must be paid in full beforehand. If paying by eCheck, please consider this when booking your session. I cannot confirm the date and time of your session until the payment has come through. It is extremely important to book your session for a time that works best for you. Please note I have a 24-hr Cancellation Policy, as well as a No-Show and being-late-for-a-Session Policy.. If you must cancel, contact me via email at least 24 hours before the scheduled time to be eligible for a refund. Your cancellation request must be sent in writing, to Please be advised that if you are not available for your session and I have not received at least 24 hours written notice of your intent to cancel, that I am unable to wait longer than 15 mins after your scheduled start time. Under no circumstances will refunds be given to no-show appointments. All sessions unfulfilled without notice will incur a charge for the full session fee. In order for me to practice my work with integrity, and so that you may receive the full benefits of your session, I ask that all clients be on time. If you are late for a session you lose that time. Last-minute cancellations and no-show appointments can be a huge inconvenience to myself and equally unfair to other clients who may have wanted the same time slot that you originally booked. There will be no exceptions. Your consideration and understanding are appreciated when booking your sessions.

Session Confidentiality There shall be no third party or public disclosure whether oral, written or via public, media, digital, blogs, posts and/or internet. Both parties agree that all topics and content discussed in a session are indeed private and confidential.