Learn how to love yourself and finally experience the peace and confidence that comes from trusting your inner voice.


Join me on a #SelfLoveJourney that clears limiting beliefs, increases self-compassion and transforms your life from the inside out.


Feel stuck in old codependent patterns and behaviors like people-pleasing and care-taking? Struggle with perfectionism, deep feelings of loss, emptiness or loneliness?


Find yourself walking on egg-shells, sacrificing your needs or hiding what you really want in a relationship for fear of being “needy.”


Attract avoidant, unavailable or narcissistic partners?


Feel frustrated or overwhelmed by your emotions, unable to soothe your anxiety, or stop racing thoughts? Or on the opposite end, struggle to access your emotions and numb out?


Get caught in the same relationship patterns over and over again even though you looked for the red flags and intended that this time it would be different?


Struggle to say no and set boundaries? Find yourself doing things out of guilt or obligation? Settle for less than you deserve?


Suspect you are currently in or have been in an emotionally abusive or narcissistic relationship?


Feel confused about what is your intuition versus feelings of anxiety or an overactive or wild imagination?


If this sounds like you, my #SelfLoveJourney Coaching Program can help!

You don’t have to figure it out on your own any more.

Work 1:1 with a coach who has done the work and can show you the way!

Listen, I know how it feels…


To pour so much of yourself into a job or a relationship, only to get pain and betrayal back in return.

Many of us have found ourselves at this crossroads in life. Where we’re not where we want to be in our love lives or careers, and the peace, love and happiness we desire seems so far away.

We aren’t excited to jump out of bed, we feel unlucky in love and we find ourselves on auto pilot going through the motions. Or worse, battling anxiety and depression.

We feel so far away from building the life, relationships or business we’ve always dreamed of.

Imagine a life where you no longer felt disconnected, not good enough or unlovable.

A life where validation from others was no longer a source of stress or worry…

A life where love, peace and joy flows easily and effortlessly from your own inner being.. 

No doubts. No fears. Just peace and ease.

An abundant life that you LOVE.


What’s an abundant life?


For everyone, it’s different.

For me, it’s peace.

For some, it’s looking in the mirror and liking the person they see. For others, it’s creating a family of their own.

You may wish to have the confidence to get a raise, or a promotion. Start a business.

Abundance could represent a healthy, reciprocal, loving, romantic relationship.

Abundance may look like freedom – having the courage to leave an unhealthy situation so you can start again.

Your dream may be to help others with your gifts but you lack self-belief.

Or you feel stuck as if something is always holding you back.

If any of this resonates, join the 12-Week #SelfLoveJourney with Katia Beeden now to experience a life-changing transformation.

You can live an abundant life you love! Read what others have to say here.

I kept getting entangled in relationships with narcissistic partners (and friends… and bosses!) After a long-term relationship abruptly ended,  I found myself ruminating about my ex’s abusive behavior. I was so hurt and angry at them for how badly they had treated me. Their jaw-dropping cruelty and lack of empathy. I was desperately trying to understand how they could do that to me. I wanted to make sense of the experience. The trouble is, I was focusing on them and their behavior.

One day, whilst driving, I suddenly had an epiphany. I asked myself: “Why did you allow the abuse to go on for so long? What inside of you thought that abuse was love?”

I realized, in that moment, that the real solution lay with me. I had zero control over what they had or had not done. I only had control over what I allowed and what I did not allow in my life. And unfortunately, I had allowed a lot of nonsense!

I placed my attention back onto myself and focused on moving forward with my life. I realized I had to heal the root cause of my repeating patterns. I had inner work to do!

The power to transform lies with YOU changing how YOU show up in relationships.

Learn what is okay and what is not. Learn to set BOUNDARIES and be witness to your own codependent or dysfunctional behaviors. Notice when you are self-abandoning.

When I shifted my focus and turned it back toward myself, everything changed. I realized the real work of healing involved going inward and healing myself. I had no idea how long my #SelfLoveJourney would take, but I’ve come to realize one thing for sure:

Healing yourself is your life’s work, it’s part of the evolution of your soul.

There will always be narcissists, sociopaths, abusers and manipulators, the trick is: Do not let them in! Notice the red flags and become ‘manipulation proof’.

To start healing, it helps to take a few steps back to understand your coping mechanisms from childhood. Those programs kept you safe but there is a good chance they are no longer serving you. You are absolutely not responsible for what happened to you as a child but as an adult, you are responsible for how you choose to move forward in your life.

Instead of asking, “Why me?” Ask, “What am I going to do about it?”

Understanding your past, owning your present and creating your future – that is the essence of the #SelfLoveJourney.

Learn to become an empowered person, deeply in love with your work, your life and most importantly, yourself.

Over twelve weeks, Katia will personally guide you on a healing path where you’ll uncover disempowering beliefs and behaviors around self-worth, boundaries and your ability to self-soothe and self-regulate.

Getting back in touch with yourself and your body will help you to overcome old ways of thinking and being and allow you to live the life you deserve.

Each week, we meet 1:1 for a private coaching session via Skype or Zoom. You will also be able to get email support in-between sessions. This is different from a typical course where it’s just listening and learning; this is about taking action and making a change. We do lots of energy work together and I give you practical tools that you can easily apply to your every day life.

To maximize transformation as much as possible, I’ve put together something special and unique to guide you every step of the way.

Week 1: Unlock your subconscious

In week one you gain self-awareness and discover the core limiting belief/s holding you back so you can release from the root cause.


Week 2: Rewiring Your Mind For Renewed Confidence

In week two you identify and quieten your inner critic and replace it with the kinder, more loving voice of your internal parent.


Week 3: Creating safety and safeness to be with yourself and your emotions

Learn how to feel your feelings and let them go. Notice when you are falling into old patterns of denying, ignoring or numbing out your feelings. Drop your old defense mechanisms. Learn to feel safe in your body to move through your discomfort and let go.


Week 4: Open up to more creativity and joy.

In week four you connect to your inner child and release energetic trauma from the past.

Week 5: Healing the Father Wound 

In week five you discover how the father wound has manifested itself in your life so that you can integrate and heal these wounded parts.

Week 6: Healing the Mother wound

In week six you discover how the mother wound has manifested itself in your life so that you can become emotionally available to yourself.


Week 7: Learn to Set Boundaries

In week seven you learn how to take back your power. Learn about boundaries so you can create relationships where you feel respected, valued and supported. learn to set boundaries with yourself. This not only boosts your self-confidence, it also fosters self-trust.


Week 8: Learning mindfulness to feel safely embodied

Learn to self-soothe and self-regulate – practices that help being in your body


Week 9: How to release and heal emotional triggers

In week nine release your need for external validation as you discover the healing power of being present with yourself


Week 10: Reparenting Yourself 

In week ten learn to create safety, love and boundaries for yourself through self-regulation.

Week 11: Deprogramming Negative Beliefs 

Without realizing it, you may have limiting beliefs that are blocking the very things you are trying to create in your life. Let’s release these limiting beliefs and adopt alternative viewpoints that support your goals and intentions.


Week 12: Anger Release & Healing through Forgiveness

Let go of anger and discover inner peace. Sometimes, you think you’ve healed or forgiven something, and suddenly it pops back into your awareness. You realize you have more work to do or a new perspective to adopt. Unexpressed anger or grief is often at the root of an inability to let go and move on.

Here’s what you get with your 12-week Coaching Program


12 x 60 min 1:1 private coaching sessions with Katia Beeden including somatic bodywork
Email and voice message support between sessions
The feeling of being deeply seen, heard and supported
A supportive coach and teacher ready to guide you along your healing path
Weekly homework to support your healing journey
Recordings of your sessions to refer back to
eBook How to #FeelyourFeelings and Let them go
Profile image of Katia Beeden


I’m Katia Beeden – a self-love coach, narcissistic abuse recovery expert, writer and founder of #SelfLoveJourneys Coaching.

I’m on a mission to help strong, resilient survivors (like you) learn to love and value themselves so they never allow toxic relationships into their lives again.

Spot the red flags, become resistant to emotional manipulation and break the cycle of toxic relationships in your life. Life is waaay too short to waste your empathy, love and loyalty on abusers and manipulators.

You deserve to be treated with kindness and respect – and you deserve to feel safe, cherished and loved every single day of your life.

on the 12-week #SelfLoveJourney, you’ll find the coaching, support and love you need to confidently navigate your healing journey.

Why listen to me?

Like so many of us, I have experienced bullying, health issues and the deep-seated trauma of narcissistic abuse. I am proud to say I overcame a teenage eating disorder and healed my early-onset Rheumatoid Arthritis and debilitating migraines. Both are in remission. I’ve learned how trauma and numbed out emotions cause dis-ease in the body. By healing and releasing the past, you heal your mind, body and soul.

However, after healing my physical body, I still had negative, patterns showing up in my relationships. I decided to face my pain so that I could understand and heal these repeating cycles of abuse and betrayal. My own healing journey to self-love was the impetus for creating the curriculum for the #SelfLoveJourney Coaching Program. I have curated the most powerful and successful components of my healing journey to help you heal too. I am thrilled to say it has taken flight, and teaching others how to love themselves has become my passion and my purpose. I am still a work in progress. My journey to wholeness is now a daily practice that I embrace with compassion and patience. Read what others have to say here.

3-Month Private 1:1 Coaching Program


Or three monthly payments $1000

What others have said about Katia Beeden



The #SelfLoveJourney Coaching Program has been a grounding force in my healing journey. Katia’s knowledge-based, and structured approach, paired with her kind understanding and dedication to the weekly sessions, let me know that healing with self-love was possible… Healing from narcissistic abuse is no joke, and you do not have to do it alone. It’s best to have someone guide you through the dark, choppy waters. I cannot recommend the #SelfLoveJourney Coaching Program enough! Engaging Katia to help me heal was indeed one of the best decisions I have made since learning to trust myself again! Thanks a million again Katia! Love to you always! xx ~ Sharifah Shaliza Syed Manshor


I can’t recommend her enough! Katia has helped me to truly understand who I am at soul level… I’ve healed parts of myself, as well as  family dynamics and wounds. Her Tarot readings are truly accurate and exactly what I need to know in that moment. Katia provided me with knowledge, techniques, and personal guidance, for overcoming various struggles. After taking Katia’s coaching sessions, I can confidently say that I am AWAKE and I know my life purpose, who I am, and where I am headed. Thank you, thank you, Katia! ~ Kayla


A hero on a journey requires a guide to illuminate the way. I am grateful to have adventured the #SelfLoveJourney with Katia as my compassionate coach because the experience has profoundly served my life. Thank you ~ Matteo Favazzo

Read what others have to say here.

Together we will…


  • Find and dissolve trauma in your body

  • Feel and release trapped feelings and emotions

  • Increase your emotional awareness and sharpen your intuition

  • Clear energetic misalignments

  • Listen to the wisdom of your body. 

  • Learn to Feel their Feelings.
  • Organically decrease or quit drinking alcohol or smoking as they no longer need to numb out their feelings
  • Take better care of themselves physically and emotionally
  • Release toxic relationships, jobs or situations
  • Hold and maintain boundaries
  • Say ‘no’ without the guilt!
  • Learn to listen to the voice of their souls
  • Feel empowered
  • Become more of their true selves.

What to expect

As much as I wish I could wave my magic wand and heal you, I cannot guarantee specific results. Your healing-journey is up to you. To transform you need to resource yourself to take action and do The Work. If you stay in a job you hate, or watch television instead of starting your business, or continue to eat badly and not move your body, these are negative actions. Doing the same thing over and over will not get you different results. The good news is that every new positive action you take creates a vibrational shift in your energy field. Positive action results in abundance, every single time! So it really is a case of, “if it’s going to be, it’s up to me!”

I can’t make you do The Work. But here is what I can do:

I can show up fully and be present. I can support you, and share with you everything I know. I can listen to you. I can help you to see things differently. I can hold space while you process your feelings. I can help you release the limiting beliefs holding you back. I can teach you my techniques. I can show you how to get clear on what you really, really want and to stop settling for less. I can model a safe relationship dynamic. I can teach you how to love and value yourself.



How do I know this course is right for me? 

Take a moment to be still. Get comfortable, relax your body and gently close your eyes. Take a deep inhale through your nose, pause, slowly exhale. Repeat a few more times and ask yourself, “is this course right for me, right now?” Feel around for the answer. It may come through as an inner knowing, a word, an image, a feeling, song lyrics, a greater vision… Trust what comes through. Ask God, “would you have me do this?” Listen to your heart – it knows the answer.


How do we connect? 

We meet via Skype or Zoom. These will be audio-only callsYou receive recording of your sessions.


Do you offer a payment plan? 

YES! I don’t want money to get in the way of your healing journey. Email me info@angelovehub to arrange a manageable payment plan.


Do we only focus on self-love? 

We focus on whatever is front and center for you. However, self-love is the cornerstone of this work. We always ask ourselves, “what is the highest choice I can make in this moment?” and then check in with yourself, “is this action or choice moving me closer to self-love or further away from it?” For example, setting a boundary is an act of self-love but it may anger the other person. Old programming focuses on the other person’s discomfort. New programming holds the boundary. When you love and respect yourself, you attract high-quality relationships, make more money, feel better about yourself and in the process, look better. You put up with a lot less nonsense and you only put yourself in jobs, relationships and situations that nourish and support you. We’ll focus on the life areas you feel are most pressing. If you desire more love, peace and abundance, then this program is for you.


What days are sessions held on? 

We will work out a set day and time that suits both of us. We will meet at the same time, on the same day every week. 


How do I schedule sessions with Katia?

We discuss and schedule the dates and times together as soon as you have made payment. We will communicate via email or we will hop on a quick Skype call. 

Can you guarantee specific results?

There are no guarantees in life. It would be unethical to claim I could ‘heal you.’ I give you the tools you need to help you heal yourself. I deeply believe in my ability to help you see yourself differently. I believe I can increase your belief in yourself. I believe that the spiritual and practical principals I teach can transform your life for the better. I believe deeply in the various tools this coaching program offers. I believe it will give you what you need to fall in love with yourself… and your life.


How can I be sure you are the right fit for me?

I offer free 15 minute consultations for those of you who have not worked with me before. Email me here to set up a Skype or Zoom call. Please note this is only for serious inquiries and is not a container for free advice. 

Here’s what you get with your 12-week Coaching Program


12 x 60 min 1:1 private coaching sessions with Katia Beeden including somatic bodywork
Email support AND voice message support between sessions
The feeling of being deeply seen, heard and supported
A supportive coach and teacher ready to guide you along your healing path
Weekly homework to support your healing journey
Recordings of your sessions to refer back to
eBook How to #FeelyourFeelings and Let them go

3-Month Private 1:1 Coaching Program


Or three monthly payments $1000

Terms and Conditions 

Disclaimer Katia Beeden is a life coach, not a medical or health practitioner. Life coaching is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment from licensed & registered healthcare professionals nor are they a substitute for professional, legal or medical advice. Each person that engages with her coaching processes takes full responsibility for any changes or consequences that may or may not occur. You also agree to not hold Katia Beeden liable for any information that is received during a session. Any action you take as a consequence of these coaching sessions is solely your responsibility.

Payment, No-Shows, Cancellations & Refunds Pre-Paid Coaching Sessions are non-refundable. All sessions must be paid in full beforehand. If paying by eCheck, please consider this when booking your session. I cannot confirm the date and time of your session until the payment has come through. It is extremely important to book your session for a time that works best for you. Please note I have a 24-hr Cancellation Policy, as well as a No-Show and being-late-for-a-Session Policy.. If you must cancel, contact me via email at least 24 hours before the scheduled time to be eligible for a refund. Your cancellation request must be sent in writing, to katia@selflovejourneys.com. Please be advised that if you are not available for your session and I have not received at least 24 hours written notice of your intent to cancel, that I am unable to wait longer than 15 mins after your scheduled start time. Under no circumstances will refunds be given to no-show appointments. All sessions unfulfilled without notice will incur a charge for the full session fee. In order for me to practice my work with integrity, and so that you may receive the full benefits of your session, I ask that all clients be on time. If you are late for a session you lose that time. Last-minute cancellations and no-show appointments can be a huge inconvenience to myself and equally unfair to other clients who may have wanted the same time slot that you originally booked. There will be no exceptions. Your consideration and understanding are appreciated when booking your sessions.

Session Confidentiality There shall be no third party or public disclosure whether oral, written or via public, media, digital, blogs, posts and/or internet. Both parties agree that all topics and content discussed in a session are indeed private and confidential.