30 min 1:1 Private Coaching Session

30-min private coaching session via Zoom or Skype with Katia (audio only) to identify and work through your burning issue. Your mp3 (audio) recording is included and will be sent to you after the session.


60 min 1:1 Private Coaching Session

60-min private coaching session via Zoom or Skype with Katia (audio only) to identify and work through your burning issue. Your mp3 (audio) recording is included and will be sent to you after the session.


90 min 1:1 Breakthrough Session

90-min Breakthrough session via Zoom or Skype with Katia (audio only). You’ll be able to see your current situation and obstacles in a different light, and then we’ll create a plan of action so you can start moving forward in life.
Your mp3 (audio) recording is included and will be sent to you after the session.


6-week 1:1 Private Coaching Package

It’s time to heal and thrive. Let go of your old programming and step into your power. 6 x weekly private 60-min coaching sessions via Zoom or Skype with Katia (audio only) to anywhere in the world.
Your mp3 (audio) recordings are included and will be sent to you after the session


3-month #SelfLoveJourney Private Coaching Program

Learn to love and value yourself. A 12-week program for anyone who wants to heal from the trauma of narcissistic abuse. 12 x weekly private 60-75 min coaching sessions via Zoom or Skype with Katia (audio only) to anywhere in the world. The #SelfLoveJourney Coaching Program includes email support between sessions, weekly homework and a FREE ebook. Your mp3 (audio) recordings are included and will be sent to you after the session.


These 1:1 private coaching sessions will help you identify what is holding you back so that you can release from the root cause and confidently move forward with your life.

After completing the checkout and payment process for your session, you’ll receive an email from Katia to set up a date and time for your session

You may choose to have your session recorded. The mp3 (audio) recording is sent to you after the session so you can go back and listen to it again later. If you prefer not to have the session recorded, that’s totally fine too.

I look forward to connecting with you!

Meet your Coach.

Welcome, you’ve come to the right place!

Katia is a trauma-informed self-love coach. She helps victims of narcissistic abuse to love and value themselves so they never allow toxic relationships into their lives again!

Having navigated narcissistic abuse herself, she found many tools on her #SelfLoveJourney that helped her to heal and ultimately, thrive. She now she helps others to do the same.

After experiencing narcissistic abuse, betrayal, manipulation, abandonment or rejection, it’s normal to feel traumatized, confused and heartbroken. Katia will work deeply with you through proven healing techniques such as somatic bodywork to help you shift trauma and pain. Her intention is that you leave the session transformed.

Terms and Conditions 

Disclaimer Katia Beeden is a life coach, not a medical or health practitioner. Life coaching is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment from licensed & registered healthcare professionals nor are they a substitute for professional, legal or medical advice. Each person that engages with her coaching processes takes full responsibility for any changes or consequences that may or may not occur. You also agree to not hold Katia Beeden liable for any information that is received during a session. Any action you take as a consequence of these coaching sessions is solely your responsibility.

Payment, No-Shows, Cancellations & Refunds Pre-Paid Coaching Sessions are non-refundable. All sessions must be paid in full beforehand. If paying by eCheck, please consider this when booking your session. I cannot confirm the date and time of your session until the payment has come through. It is extremely important to book your session for a time that works best for you. Please note I have a 24-hr Cancellation Policy, as well as a No-Show and being-late-for-a-Session Policy.. If you must cancel, contact me via email at least 24 hours before the scheduled time to be eligible for a refund. Your cancellation request must be sent in writing, to katia@selflovejourneys.com. Please be advised that if you are not available for your session and I have not received at least 24 hours written notice of your intent to cancel, that I am unable to wait longer than 15 mins after your scheduled start time. Under no circumstances will refunds be given to no-show appointments. All sessions unfulfilled without notice will incur a charge for the full session fee. In order for me to practice my work with integrity, and so that you may receive the full benefits of your session, I ask that all clients be on time. If you are late for a session you lose that time. Last-minute cancellations and no-show appointments can be a huge inconvenience to myself and equally unfair to other clients who may have wanted the same time slot that you originally booked. There will be no exceptions. Your consideration and understanding are appreciated when booking your sessions.

Session Confidentiality There shall be no third party or public disclosure whether oral, written or via public, media, digital, blogs, posts and/or internet. Both parties agree that all topics and content discussed in a session are indeed private and confidential.