Is life coaching right for me?

As a self-love coach I support you on a journey to rediscover your own strengths and abilities; this can include healing from a divorce, a break-up, a toxic work environment and all forms of narcissistic abuse.

As a trauma-informed, certified coach, I use many different techniques based on core psychological principles and intuition. As my client, I empower you and provide a toolkit of teachings to help you confidently navigate challenges, overcome barriers and more deeply, to connect with yourself.

As a coach, I won’t tell you what to do, instead, I use questions to help you uncover the answers for yourself. I provide a safe space and an objective and empowering environment for you to explore any feelings, thoughts and challenges you are facing.

What happens during a session?

Coaching sessions will typically last between 60 – 90 minutes (depending on the program you choose). Our sessions are conducted remotely via video calls and some of my programs include email support between sessions as well as through instant messaging. For personal comfort, our calls are mostly audio only, and occasionally video unless you specifically request video consultations.

During the session, I ask you questions and I incorporate somatic body work to help you to connect more deeply to yourself and to release trapped emotions. You will never be forced to make any decisions you don’t feel comfortable with and all sessions will be confidential, allowing you to explore your thoughts and feelings privately in a safe space.

Our coaching relationship is a partnership between you and me. I will gently encourage you to explore how to make positive changes in your life based on your aspirations. I offer support and feedback to help you to stay focused on your goals and will occasionally set you tasks and objectives to work on outside of sessions.

Are you a coach or a counsellor?

The healing process is not linear and narcissistic abuse recovery does require reflecting back on past behaviors and experiences in order to recognize pattens. Some of our sessions together may have a counseling undertone. However, I focus more on the here and now and conducts sessions with the future as the central point to encourage personal development and self-improvement. I also help you develop coping mechanisms and strategies to move forward with your life. I teach you what has worked well for me and other clients.

I am not qualified to investigate the underlying causes of mental health problems, nor am I qualified to diagnose or treat any health-related problems. However, if the situation arises I may suggest you see a GP, psychologist or other relevant health-practitioner.