How To Spot A Communal Narcissist.

How To Spot A Communal Narcissist.

Beware of the do-gooders who make a big show of how charitable they are. After watching the Jimmy Saville documentary on Netflix, I was shocked at how this predator hid in plain sight. Interestingly, he did what most narcissists do — he continually told people exactly...

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Why are narcissists in your life?

Why are narcissists in your life?

It’s time to dig really deep into the WHY. Being stabbed in the back is one of the most painful human experiences. Betrayal cuts like a knife and it forever changes you. Being hurt by someone who is supposed to love you can take years to recover from. You lose your...

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How To Recognize If You Are Being Love Bombed

How To Recognize If You Are Being Love Bombed

10 signs to look out for.   “Hello Handsome.” “Good morning, beautiful.” “Sleep tight my beautiful angel.” Who doesn’t love getting regular texts from their partner? When you are dating, it’s intoxicating. It signals that the other person is thinking of you. It...

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The Hard Truth About Going No Contact With A Parent.

The Hard Truth About Going No Contact With A Parent.

Closing the door on your past is the hardest thing you will ever do. It’s also the most empowering. You don’t randomly wake up one day on the wrong side of the bed and flippantly decide to cut your mother or father out of your life. Rather, it’s a difficult decision...

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How the scapegoat gets scapegoated.

How the scapegoat gets scapegoated.

As painful as it is, it’s still the best position to be in. At least you are free. If you were the scapegoat or black sheep in your family you probably felt like you were always in trouble. One wrong move and it was game over. You were always too loud, too quiet, to...

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