And nothing breaks my heart more than seeing someone, who is unaware of their worth… being manipulated, used and devalued.

They unknowingly give their love and loyalty away for free. Instead of recognizing the signs of abuse and putting boundaries in place, they double down, trying to please and placate their abuser. They try harder and do more – hoping the other person will finally see their worth.

And what’s even worse, is that the abuser is usually someone close like a lover, spouse, family member, boss, colleague or best friend.

Katia Beeden profile photo
This deeply saddens me for 3 reasons:


FIRSTLY, they never get to experience real LOVE because they think pain is love.

SECONDLY, they never get to experience the FULFILLMENT that comes from building a healthy, reciprocal relationship.

THIRDLY,  (this is really heartbreaking), they get discouraged, lose confidence and often give up on love all together…


They never get to discover that what they were looking for was inside them all along.


If you keep choosing people who don’t choose you, you may be playing out an old story from childhood.


Childhood abuse sets you up for abusive relationships in adulthood. You subconsciously recognize this behavior and feel comfortable with it because it’s what you know.

You’re used to having your feelings ignored and your emotions minimized.

So, even if it’s unhealthy, because you’re used to it, you’re comfortable with it.

If you had a nice childhood, a nice person is going to feel like home.

If you’ve grown up with abusers, you feel attracted to the type of energy that narcissists and abusers have.

You don’t intentionally choose to be in a relationship with a narcissist but you have unconscious patterns that make them feel so familiar, that you feel attracted to them.


Do you:

Attract avoidant, unavailable or narcissistic partners?

Find yourself walking on eggshells

Sacrifice your needs or hide what you really want in a relationship for fear of being too “needy”?

I want you to know it’s not your fault!

Somewhere deep inside of you, is an old pattern or program that is keeping you stuck in repeating cycles of pain and abandonment.

The good news?

You can release from the root cause and be free.


So what is narcissistic abuse really?

Let’s clear this up because this term is thrown around so much these days, it’s often misunderstood.

Narcissistic abuse describes a specific type of emotional abuse that comes from a person with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). People with NPD have no empathy and see others as objects to be used and abused.

If you were raised by parents or caregivers who had NPD, you’ve probably found yourself in similar relationship dynamics in adulthood.

Toxic relationships are your normal.


In childhood you adapted to the abuse and learned to tolerate it. So, as an adult, you don’t recognize abuse as abuse. For you, abuse is love. Pain is love. This is the distortion you want to heal.

Maybe your story is a bit different because you had a happy childhood. Yet, you still found yourself entangled in an abusive and toxic relationship.

There’s nothing wrong with you.

Narcissists know how to turn on the charm. They love bomb you and reel you in. They are very adept at manipulation. Anyone can fall victim to the narcissist’s fantasy.

The secret is to educate yourself so that you become immune to manipulation.


Ready to start healing so that you can reclaim your sense of self? I can help you heal your heart and allow love back in.


I’ve seen over and over again how when my clients focus on loving themselves, they make progress quickly. They stop allowing users, abusers and narcissists to suck up weeks, months and even years of their lives!


I’ve worked with hundreds of men and women who’ve gone on to…


Get their self-trust and intuition back online

Love themselves enough to put boundaries in place and stop people-pleasing

Marry the love of their lives after giving up on love completely

Reclaim their personal power

Break trauma-bonds and release their addiction to the narcissist

Respect themselves enough to leave a toxic job or relationship

Build new lives, grounded in love, respect and safety.


Positive results that all stemmed from focusing on what really matters: Loving themselves!

So why am I so passionate about getting you to see your own worth, value and light?

Because I was once in your shoes.


I know what’s it’s like to…


Lose yourself in a relationship

Walk on eggshells, terrified of setting the narcissist off

Cry every single day, trying to understand how someone can be so cruel (SPOILER ALERT: It’s because they have no empathy)

Feel hopeless and discouraged because you doubt that you can take care of yourself.

Feel defeated by ill health and autoimmune diseases

Feel trapped because staying with the abuser… feels safer than leaving.

And today, after 8 years of coaching and learning the hard way… I’m here to show you how much easier your healing journey can be when you keep it simple and focus on the right things in the right order!

I know you have MANY options when it comes to investing in yourself …


And I know finding the right coach can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in a haystack… So let me lay out a few ways of how working with me is unique.


I’m faith-based

True, deep soul-level healing happens when you believe in a Higher Power. When you know your Heavenly Father has your back, you can let go and surrender to the fact that you don’t have to do it alone. A lot of coaches use New Age and New Thought teachings in their programs (I was one of them!) What I’ve learned is that no healing modality comes close to the healing power of God and the Holy Spirit. Allowing Jesus to guide you on your healing journey not only speeds up the process, but it renews your spirit. You also come to realize that narcissists and abusers are distractions sent by the enemy. They create the illusion that they are your source of love. This is the big lie. God is your true source. He leads to back to yourself with gentleness and patience.


I’m experienced

This should be a given, but unfortunately, in the online world, anyone can claim to be an expert. It’s important to approach finding your coach with caution! Since 2015, I’ve worked with hundreds of clients across the globe, which has given me more experience than my Diplomas or Coaching Certifications could ever teach me! You can read my client’s testimonials here.


I’ve been through it and deeply understand it

I have been in the trenches and I have come out the other side. I do believe you can heal from narcissistic abuse, but I’m not going to pretend that it’s easy. I can help make your path easier, but you’ll need to put in the work and commitment. I can tell you it will be 100% worth it.

Honesty is one of my values, therefore, if investing in one of my programs isn’t the right fit, I’LL TELL YOU, rather than letting you dish out your hard-earned money for something that won’t serve your healing journey.

There’s enough fake accounts, fake healers and fake gurus out there peddling their programs on the internet. When you enter my world, you can rest assured that I’ll give you TRUTH, honesty, safety, boundaries, love and respect.


I live what I teach

I’ve travelled, studied, researched, practiced and searched for the best healing techniques and processes to help facilitate your healing journey. I’ve gotten additional training in some, others I’ve let go of. I’m always studying, reading and learning more. I keep up to date with the latest trauma-informed research and trainings. When working with me you get the best of my accumulated knowledge and experience. I live a clean, sober life and and bring that clarity to all my work.

My background is in psychology, communications, marketing, copywriting and advertising. I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit and after 15 years in the advertising industry, I followed my calling to become an intuitive counsellor and life coach. I initially focused on assertiveness coaching and expanded into narcissistic abuse recovery and trauma-informed somatic bodywork. My work with you is all about healing you on the inside so that those shifts can appear on the outside!

If you are ready to heal your past, learn new skills, shift old beliefs and write a new story… then you’ll love working with me.


I GET what you are going through

My gifts are my faith, empathy and radar-like intuition. They enable me to deeply support you on your journey from victim to survivor to thriver. This is why it’s called it “Self-love Journeys” – I work with you to go within and heal the vulnerabilities, wounds and missing skills that made you vulnerable to the narcissist’s manipulation.

In my own life, I kept getting ensnared in relationships with narcissistic partners (and friends… and bosses!) After my fiancé betrayed and discarded me, I lost everything. I had to pick up the pieces of my life and come to terms with the fact that my chance to have a family had been stolen from me.

I found myself ruminating about my ex’s abusive behavior. I was so hurt and angry at how badly they had treated me. Their jaw-dropping cruelty and lack of empathy was unfathomable. I was desperately trying to understand how they could do that to me. I wanted to make sense of the experience. The problem, however, was that I was focusing on them and their behavior and once again, abandoning myself.

One day, whilst driving, I suddenly had a breakthrough. I asked myself: “Why did you allow him to abuse you? What was going on inside of you that allowed that to go on for so long?

That Aha! moment showed me that I was responsible for my healing. What he did to me was not my fault, but making sure it never happened again, was my responsibility.

I turned my attention back toward myself and focused on healing my life. I had a lot of inner work to do!

I wish I could say that I made better choices after my epiphany. But unfortunately, I still had more to learn. After the overt narcissist, I stepped straight into the web of a covert narcissist. And what made it more dangerous, is that I never saw it coming.

You see, I had overt, grandiose narcissists all figured out. I could spot them a mile away. But the woe-is-me, fragile, covert narcissist is a different animal. They are more stealth. You feel sorry for them and want to support them. I found myself married to a covert narcissist with co-morbid BPD.

On top of all this, I then discovered the deep betrayal within my own family. Like I said, I GET what you are going through. I had been trained for these types of relationships from birth and it’s taken me a lifetime to heal from them. My hope is that I can help you get there faster!

Katia Beeden Profile

The power to transform lies with YOU changing how YOU show up in relationships.

On the #SelfLoveJourney you gain the courage to face the TRUTH.  You learn to discern what is okay and what is not. You learn to set BOUNDARIES and be witness to your own codependent or dysfunctional behaviors.

You notice when you are self-abandoning.

The thing is, there will always be narcissists and manipulators. The trick is: Do NOT LET THEM INTO YOUR LIFE. Educate yourself so that you become ‘manipulation and narc proof’.

I’m the founder of Self-love Journeys Coaching, a community dedicated to healing at the deepest level possible.


If you want to attract healthier relationships and experiences into your life, start building your confidence and increasing your self-worth.

I teach you in a very practical way how to do this.

Once I learned the techniques and skills that I teach my clients today, I was able to rebuild my life, grow my coaching practice, build an online community of over 35k. I am no longer codependent and I set boundaries like it’s nobody’s business!


A bit more about me


I am a Christian who was saved from the New Age. Apart for the narcissists in my life, another deception I had to face and overcome, was my involvement in the New Age movement. I grew up in a Christian home but somewhere along the way, I started mixing different religions, beliefs and practices together. I was also training in various healing modalities and never stopped to question the philosophy and doctrines behind many of these practices.

This led to me having to face the hard truth – that I was headed in the wrong direction.

I am an ex New Age practitioner. I followed all the mainstream “spiritual teachers” and New Thought Leaders. I thank God for his patience as he gently steered me back onto the right path.

After practicing New Age beliefs for many years, I can attest to the deep deception of ALL New Age teachings. Just as a narcissist love bombs you and convinces you that you’ve met the love of your life, so too does the New Age seduce you with its well packaged lies.

The New Age is so sneaky.

Looking back, I am shocked at how easily I got sucked in. As a born-again Christian with several decades of practicing and teaching New Age beliefs myself, I can attest to the deep deception of self-centered theology.

What is interesting (and frightening) is how the New Age imitates Christianity and makes counterfeit versions of its practices. That’s because Satan isn’t a creator – he is an imitator who seeks to only to deceive and destroy.

For example, the Akashic Records (which I was trained in) uses clearing techniques that are a direct replica of Christian Deliverance protocols. This is what made the work seem so wholesome and helpful.

However, what makes this so dangerous is that if you clean out your “temple” and don’t replace what has been removed with true repentance and the blood of Jesus, you make yourself vulnerable to an even worse form of psychic or demonic attack, as explained in Luke 11:25:

“When an unclean spirit comes out of a man, it passes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ On its return, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and dwell there. And the final plight of that man is worse than the first…”

New Age practices open you up to the demonic realm and your participation gives these lower energies the legal right to inhabit you. I now diligently research and question everything before allowing it into my home, my life and especially my work.

You can be certain that when you work with me, if it’s not in scripture, it’s not in my life, my business or in my coaching sessions or programs.


A bit more back story to my testimony


At around the age of 11 my mother gave me access to a weekly “Mind Body Spirit” program that she was studying. Unknowingly, this course opened the door to my deep involvement with the New Age. I was fascinated by what I was learning about moon cycles, chakras, love spells, astrology and the tarot. My new hobby became my passion.

Like many Christians, I naively mixed astrology, crystal therapy, reiki and many other New Age teachings and practices together with Christianity.

At the time, I thought it was perfectly fine to combine the New Age with my Christian faith. I was a Sunday school teacher in high school and in my Presbyterian church, no one was talking about the dangers of the New age.

In 2015, after a solo trip to India and sitting a 10-day Vipassana meditation, I got even more deeply into New Age spirituality. For 8 years I delved into practices like angel numbers, yoga, buddhism, meditation, the Law of Attraction, embodiment, etcetera etcetera.

I became a professional Tarot Reader and Soul Realignment™️ practitioner (healing the soul using the Akashic records).

During this time, I continued to build my coaching practice. I received more trauma-informed certifications and wanted to continue to support those who had been traumatized by narcissistic abuse.

I built a large online presence. Then in January 2021, a chain of events sparked a miraculous shift. By the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ pulled me out of the darkness and back into the Light.

One Bible verse changed everything. Deuteronomy 18 v 9-13.

I was shown the truth about these New Age practices. I answered the call and let go of all the things that were not aligned with God’s word and His teachings. I transitioned my business to being faith-based.

I am so grateful to God for his mercy as He patiently waited for me to trust Him more fully. I serve Him first and foremost so that I can be of service to you in the best possible way. When you walk your healing journey with God, you are guided onto the right path, into the right relationships and onto the right life path.

MY PURPOSE AND CALLING is to align with God’s will and to be of service by being a catalyst for rapid emotional and spiritual healing and transformation.


What is my strength?


I have an intuitive knack for getting to the root of an issue, quickly. Coaching others to see themselves in a new, softer light whilst taking back their power, is what I do best.


What makes me the best version of myself?


Becoming my own parent. Taking really good care of myself and instilling discipline has set me up for success. This looks like managing my diet, keeping fit, prioritizing my business and being ruthless about who and what I allow into my life. I live very intentionally. Also, being myself. If you are not your true self, then who are you?


What are my aspirations?


Professionally, my goals are to create more courses and programs and to publish my book. I want to continue developing healing techniques that will empower more people, especially those who have suffered narcissistic abuse. I want everyone to master the art of discernment so they can easily spot the signs of emotional abuse and advocate for themselves.


My Biggest Success?


My #SelfLoveJourney Coaching Program. The transformations it has brought about in my clients’ lives is truly humbling. Seeing someone change and grow into themselves is very rewarding. I truly believe this work is inspired from above. All credit goes to God for continuing to help me co-create my life and my work.


My Motto

Keep God close.


My Role Model

Jesus – For having the heart to say, “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.” He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.


My Favorite Travel Spots


Anywhere deep in the African Bush!

Hog’s Back, South Africa

Skopolos and Astypalea, Greece

New Hampshire and Vermont, North America

Lake Como and Lake Maggiore, Italy

The Okavango Swamps, Botswana

Richmond, on the District Line, London


My Favorite Things

My Instagram Community, both my cellphones (I run my life and my business on them), my walking shoes and my very tall tea mug.


MY MISSION is to create a safer world in which survivors of narcissistic abuse are taught exactly how to love and value themselves. Armed with discernment and the ability to hear their own voice, they rapidly transform from victims into victors. They know deeply that they are loved, wanted, whole, legitimate and worthy. Their thoughts and feelings are valid and worth being heard and understood. They know irrefutably that they deserve to feel loved, happy, peaceful and safe – in all of their relationships.



Katia Beeden was born in Zimbabwe, formally Rhodesia and grew up in South Africa. She currently lives in the beautiful city of Cape Town.

Having travelled extensively across Europe, India and parts of Southern Africa, she has also lived in Italy, England and the United States. She considers herself a global citizen.

She studied Psychology, Criminology, Sociology and Philosophy at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. She then did a Post Graduate in Advertising and Marketing at the AAA School of Advertising in Johannesburg. She graduated with a Diploma in Copywriting, Marketing and Advertising and worked in the advertising industry for many years.

Katia went on to become an intuitive counsellor and quickly built up a global clientele. As she continued to work on healing and evolving herself, she began to share her breakthroughs with others. Her #SelfLoveJourney Coaching Program was born. She started working with clients one-on-one and her coaching practice remains her main focus.

Her work has evolved to a trauma-informed model. Instead of focusing on past experiences exclusively, the focus is on present life challenges. This encourages the client to take responsibility for moving forward, rather than focusing on blame. The focus of her work is on uncovering the core limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck – so that you can break free and create a life you love.

She says,

“You need to take a few steps back to understand what happened to you in childhood but don’t get stuck there! Revisiting the past makes you aware of the defense mechanisms you chose at the time. Knowing what your negative patterns are, enables you to release them and move forward. From this perspective, your past becomes part of your history. It no longer defines you, your choices or your future.”

Having navigated narcissistic abuse herself, she can truly empathize with and understand the challenges and lessons inherent on the healing path.

By studying the mind-body connection, specifically how unresolved trauma and suppressed emotions lead to dis-ease in the body, she healed the patterns and programs that were making her chronically ill. Her Rheumatoid Arthritis is in remission and she has healed 30 years of debilitating migraines! She says, “They’ve disappeared…

To make her work available to more people, Katia is currently putting together a group version of her 1:1 #SelfLoveJourney coaching course.

Feeling inspired?

Thinking you’d like to work together?

Here are some signs we’ll be a great match:

You’re ready to heal and to release the old stories, beliefs and patterns that are keeping you stuck. You recognize that your old ways of doing things are no longer working. You want to learn new skills and new ways of showing up in the world so that you can reach your fullest potential.

You’ve got so much love to give and you want to attract relationships and situations that clearly reflect your true value and your worth.

You are brave and courageous enough to do the inner work that most people are too afraid to do.

You’re eager to learn new skills, grow spiritually and emotionally and to finally leave the past behind – to take your life and your relationships to the next level in general.

You desire more joy, freedom, love, acceptance and confidence to inhabit your body and the world in a way that enables you to experience the blessings and sacredness of life.


Don’t waste another day keeping yourself small because you don’t know your inherent worth and value!

“Even when alone be cheerful, remembering always that you are in the sight of angels.” ~ St. Therese of Lisieux.