7 Ways to Honor Thy Narcissistic Mother and Thyself.

Aug 25, 2021

An unloved daughter’s roadmap to forgiveness.

In truth, mothers are flawed human beings just like everyone else. Mothers have good characters and bad characters. They have mental health issues, addictions and personality disorders. Being a mother does not magically exonerate you from bad behavior. However, the idea of a mother deliberately hurting or exploiting her own children goes against the laws of nature. It feels very, very uncomfortable.

Narcissistic mothers teach their daughters that all relationships are transactional. You earn your worth by what you do, not for who you are. The world is harsh, punishing, unloving and unsafe. Nothing is for nothing and everything has a price. Daughters of narcissistic mothers often become people-pleasers and workaholics, earning their worth by over-giving and over-functioning.

Daughters of narcissistic mothers don’t experience this gentle nurturance. Instead, they are handled roughly. Their hair gets pulled uncaringly with a hairbrush, fingers are slammed absentmindedly in doors, they are rushed and hurried, shouted at, hit, slapped, punished and traumatized. Physical, emotional and mental abuse inhibits their emotional development. Instead of growing up confident with a healthy sense of self-worth, they grow up anxious, depressed and numb.

Interestingly, eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia nervosa often develop in women with narcissistic mothers. They become a way to self-soothe in a toxic environment that lacks emotional nutrients, obliterates the self, and requires numbing out. The narcissistic mother’s erratic mood swings, hot and cold behavior and manipulation tactics terrorize her daughter, creating a constant state of anxiety where safety and security should be.

What is especially painful for the scapegoated daughter is that no one validates the abuse. The narcissistic mother is charming and cunning enough to hide her cruelties for the outside world. She will befriend her daughter’s friends and put on a show in front of others.

“The bullies’ favorites often slip into denial. Relieved that they are not the target. Especially charismatic bullies may even be admired or seen as great. Being the scapegoated child of such a bully is especially problematic because it is so difficult to get anyone to validate that you are being abused by them.” (Pete Walker, Complex PTSD, 2013)

The first step to healing from maternal narcissistic abuse is to accept that your narcissistic mother will never change. Sure, miracles can and do happen, but you will keep yourself stuck in pain and suffering waiting for it to happen. Accept your mother for exactly who and what she is. From this place of radical acceptance, you can now choose how you are going to show up, and keep yourself safe. Waiting for her to give you the love and validation she never gave you as a child will keep you feeling unloved and invalidated.

In adulthood, it is your job to love and validate yourself — not hers or anyone else’s. In fact, this is one of the lessons your narcissistic mother teaches you. By not loving and validating you, you are forced to find it within. Loving yourself is a powerful step on the ascension and spiritual growth path.

Affirm: “By not loving me and validating me you have taught me to love and validate myself. I now love and validate myself. Thank you for the lesson.”

From a spiritual perspective, your soul chose your mother before you were even born. Your soul was a perfect vibrational match to hers and the experience of being born to her is what your soul needed to heal and evolve. All relationships here on earth are containers for growth. Karma is healed and released through the power of love. Sometimes the love that heals is self-love. Choosing to love yourself enough to go no-contact, ultimately releases your karmic burden.

It is not always what you do but rather the intention behind your choices that determines the karmic consequences of your choices. This is why it is so powerful to act from a place of love instead of fear. Even the choice to go no-contact with your narcissistic mother can be done with love. Instead of sending her angry thoughts, you can send her love as you continue to love and liberate yourself. Love is the healing balm of the universe.

“Honor your father and your mother, that you may live a long time in the land the LORD your God is giving to you.” ~ Exodus 20:12

The Bible teaches you to honor and respect all those who God has used to impact your life. One of the biggest mistakes we make is when we get stuck in judgment and hate. We then get stuck in the energy of being a victim. When you believe you are a victim, you weaken yourself and you cannot move beyond the pain of the past. It becomes your identity and you are not able to transcend it.

There is an important part of the healing journey where you absolutely are a victim. You have every right to feel victimized. You can stay there for as long as you need to — but don’t get stuck there. To stay stuck there is to stay stuck in pain which is just a replay of the past in a different format.

From this perspective, here are 7 predictable narcissistic behaviors that you can transmute into wisdom:



You learn very young that asserting yourself leads to punishment. Any attempts by you to individuate are met with anger, rejection and hostility. Your job is to serve her needs — Your needs cause a conflict of interest.

If you need time and space to focus on yourself, she will resent you for it. Time spent on yourself is seen as a threat to her supply of your energy, time and resources. Narcissistic mothers control you by being very demanding. You are trained to jump to attention the second they call, message, text or hint.

You exist solely to serve her insatiable need for narcissistic supply. If you begin to rebel against the role she has cast you in, she will see you as a direct threat. You will become public enemy number 1. She will then begin a brutal campaign to cut you back down to size.

As a young child, she will humiliate you in public by shouting at you, pulling and twisting your ears or slapping you. She will passively-aggressively withhold affection and resources. She will give you days of silent treatment. Her answer to everything will be an emphatic NO. Even as a toddler, you will be left to fend for yourself.

What is this teaching your soul?

Assert yourself, individuate, break free. You have needs, learn what they are. Start by asking yourself throughout the day:

“What do I need right now?”

Give yourself what you need in each moment. Be present in your body, tune into what it needs from you. Re-mother yourself with compassion.


References and further Reading



  1. Christine

    Oh my GOD!!! Not only do I have a narcissistic mother but a brother and sister too. I decided a few months ago to cut my mother out of my life completely and I only speak to my sister and brother when it’s necessary. They all hate it. I love it. I’m at peace

    • admin

      Sometimes you have to break away completely to give yourself the space you need to become your true self. Initially it does feel incredibly freeing and liberating, when the grief comes, welcome it too. It is an important part of the healing journey. Take good care of yourself. Angel blessings, Katia

  2. Sara Pellizzon

    Sono d’accordo con ogni singola virgola. È sconvolgente ma la verità. È mia madre ha anche abusato fisicamente di me. L’incubo più grande è stato quando in gravidanza ho colto i suoi Casuali tentativi di farmi abortire.
    Che Dio ti benedica sempre. Sei unica

    • admin

      Translation “I agree with every single comment. It’s shocking but the truth. And my mother also physically abused me. The biggest nightmare was when I caught her random attempts to get me an abortion in pregnancy. May God always bless you. You’re special.”

      Thank you for sharing your story Sara. I am so sorry that happened to you. I hope you are in a safer place and free. You are special too. I am sending you a big angel hug! xx


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