6 Ways You Make Yourself An Easy Target For Narcissists

Dec 8, 2021

Heal the parts of you that make you vulnerable to manipulation.

  1. Anxious attachment

  2. Avoidant attachment

  3. Disorganized attachment


6 Ways You Make Yourself An Easy Target For Narcissists


1. You don’t have good boundaries

There’s a good chance that tip-toeing around, making yourself scarce, over-achieving and not rocking the boat, kept you (relatively) safe in childhood. But in the process of focusing on your external environment, you did not learn healthy assertiveness skills. You neglected your inner landscape.

2. You see the potential in people and deny reality

Focusing on potential means you are putting yourself in the role of healer, savior or rescuer. You are most probably codependent and choose to stay in 1-sided relationships.

3. You trust too easily

Do you naively assume people are honest, like you? The world is full of good people but it is just as full of really, really bad people. It behooves you to accept this reality. Don’t assume that the people you meet are “like you”. I heard a great piece of wisdom somewhere, it goes something like this:

4. You are full of self-doubt

If you do not have a strong sense of self and what you stand for, you are more vulnerable to gaslighting. The narcissist will neg you, put you down, counter everything you say and deny your reality.

5. You are an empath

Being highly sensitive and intuitive is a gift. Your sensitivity alerts you to what is really going on in your environment. But, if you do not have healthy boundaries and absorb the emotions of others, you become shark bait for a narcissist.

6. You focus on choosing a relationship rather than choosing a person

Get super clear on what you are looking for in a person and what your deal breakers are. Be mindful of the pace of any new relationship. Fast-paced connections are a huge red flag. You want to avoid getting attached to someone that may not be compatible or suitable.


How to keep yourself safe

Do the inner work necessary to heal your attachment wounding. If you are codependent, work on understanding your maladaptive behaviors and choose to do things differently.

References and further reading



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