11 Signs You Are Dealing With A Covert Narcissist.

Oct 27, 2021

They’re not as easy to spot as overt narcissists.

  • When they get angry they may smash or break things.
  • When you say something to them they respond with gibberish or word salad to deliberately devalue you. They counter everything you say.
  • They deliberately try and get a rise out of you for example they will sit in your chair or use your mug. Out the corner of their eye they watch your reaction.
  • You feel exhausted or depressed while in their company or after spending time with with them. It is as if you suddenly have to lie down. You feel heavy and weighed down.
  • They tend to be loners and pull you away from the crowd.
  • They are emotionally immature. If you go back and read their texts and messages and observe their behavior you can see how immature they really are. It’s as if you are back on the playground.
  • You find yourself making yourself smaller, perhaps you unconsciously dumb down your vocabulary or dress more conservatively. Subconsciously you do this to make them feel better. They ALWAYS need lifting up.
  • Covert narcissists swing between being demanding of attention and wanting to isolate. Whichever way the pendulum swings, they are abjectly miserable, even suicidal. When they are low on supply they will get attention by withdrawing and they may even threaten to harm themselves. This can set up a vicious cycle of emotional terrorism if you do not become aware of what is going on.
  • You become hyper aware of what you say, especially taking care not to criticize them because of the visceral reaction it garners.
  • You feel you have to hide your successes and wins as you don’t want to make them feel “bad.”
  1. Disengage. When they try to bait you or get your attention, stay neutral. Leave the situation as soon as you can.
  2. Stay focused on yourself and what is happening in your body. This will keep you grounded so that you do not get pulled into their woe-is-me drama.
  3. If they are complaining and moaning, calmly say, “I am sorry to hear you are struggling. What are you going to do about it?
  4. To make themselves feel better they will criticize you and your efforts. They will attempt to control and micromanage you. Mirror this back to them. Calmly state, “You seem more stressed out than usual today. Are you okay?” This will help center you in your reality, not theirs.

Resources and further reading:


1 Comment

  1. Tanuja

    I’m getting to know more and more regarding overt narcissism.
    Little did I know that my last relationship was with a COVERT narc. The person depicts the description and energy drain like a text book.
    Actually there are so many coverts surrounding us.
    Thank you Katia for this elucidation. Brilliant


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