Profile image of Katia Beeden


I’m Katia Beeden – a self-love coach, narcissistic abuse recovery expert, writer and founder of #SelfLoveJourneys Coaching.

I’m on a mission to help strong, resilient survivors (like you) learn to love and value themselves so they never allow toxic relationships into their lives again.

Spot the red flags, become resistant to emotional manipulation and break the cycle of toxic relationships in your life. Life is waaay too short to waste your empathy, love and loyalty on abusers and manipulators.

You deserve to be treated with kindness and respect – and you deserve to feel safe, cherished and loved every single day of your life.

Here at #SelfLoveJourneys, you’ll find the coaching, support and love you need to confidently navigate your healing journey.

Ready for rapid healing and transformation?


Book your custom 1:1 private BREAKTHROUGH session via Zoom.

If you want to heal at the deepest level possible, join my 3-month #SelfLoveJourney Coaching Program.


Love, soothe and validate yourself.

 Let go of the need to please others at the expense of yourself

 Set boundaries with confidence

 Stop tolerating toxic environments and behaviors!

Discover what a healthy relationship FEELS like.

Create a life filled with confidence, self-worth and reciprocal relationships!


Custom 1:1 private online sessions available worldwide.


Hi Katia, I just wanted to thank you for our work together last year!

I actually ended up getting pregnant a few months after our work together and had a baby girl earlier this month! I also experienced tremendous growth in my career and I believe a lot of this is directly really to our work together! Thank you again for all the guidance and support! Love, Bina

Bina Pastakia

Thank you so much for helping me on my self-love journey.

I really feel like I have benefitted hugely from our sessions. Working with you helped to pull all the strands together: You validated my learnings in a really warm and compassionate way plus you added new things for me to think about, including the impact which stress and emotions have on our bodies.

Gina, UK

It’s hard to describe the enormity of what Katia did for me in one 90 minute session.

I’ve tried to find a therapist for the last 5 years to help me deal with my narcissistic mother. The 8 therapists I tried were useless while the situation with my mother deteriorated to the point that I had a nervous breakdown. I went no contact, but then the guilt, depression and anxiety became even more severe.

I was a therapist myself for 28 years and I was at a complete loss as to how to help myself. In one 90 min session Katia performed a miracle. She listened to my story patiently and then led me on a path towards healing. She handled my initial skepticism with precise skill quickly allowing me to be open to what she teaches. I felt enormous relief of my depression, guilt and anxiety by her validating the severity of the abuse I experienced. Relief from emotional pain was the goal I wanted to achieve from our session. And she gave me that priceless gift.

I know she can’t call herself a therapist, but she is. She is a masterful therapist with all the skills of the best therapist. She immediately tuned into my underlying feelings so that I felt understood in a way that I’ve been yearning for. I now have hope I will heal and find the inner peace I have been so desperately craving. I am going to continue to meet with Katia knowing that I finally found my guardian angel.

Laura Vigiano, Therapist LCSW

I would like to thank Katia for walking with me during a very important transformation process in my life!

She is an amazing life coach and help me to see my full potential and to realize how valuable I’am

After a few sessions I could see very clearly how every aspect of my life improved in ways I couldn’t imagine before!

Thank you Katia for everything!

Iliana Gonzalez Garza

I am so blessed to have Katia as my life coach!

She pushes you to new levels, challenges your thought processes and truly light your path to find Clarity! Katia changed my life! I’ve worked with her for over five years and after every session I step into a better version of myself!


First and foremost I want to thank you Katia for your support which is rooted in an understanding manner of guidance.

The level of professionalism, attention to detail and compassion you continue to provide to me as a client needs to be mentioned and be formally acknowledged. For anyone struggling to make sense of the ending of a tough life situation, please know that Katia will help you make sense of the interactions, also provide a balanced view of the emotional environment you had to navigate, and slowly bring you into a process that will help you connect with your inner core. Each lesson will build on itself and you will be provided with homework that will keep you engaged, all while exercising the muscles that will build back your confidence and self esteem. The truly amazing part of her teachings is how she actually teaches you “how to do it”. I never knew how to provide myself the care I seemed to outsource to relationships. Now with that understanding, everything seems lighter and I am happier. I am kind, peaceful and grounded. Everyday my confidence is growing and results are showing up. I have more to go on the journey, but in a short amount of time my life has been changed for the better. I fully recommend this process to all my loved ones and friends. Thank you again Katia for all your efforts. Sincerely Chris

Chris S.

Thank you for such a wonderful experience.

It’s been a couple of weeks since I completed a healing journey with Katia. She is just amazing. Her tools, recordings, meditations, and homework exercises are helping me become “myself “ in a moment when I thought I was lost. I am not sure how she does it, but she is definitely gifted. Her words were medicine for my thoughts. We’ll speak again soon 🙂

Daniela D

I am very grateful for the session that I had with Katia.

It meant so much to be able to be free from the fear and toxicity that I have been experiencing. It has not been easy. Before I had the session, I knew that I had to let some heaviness go and I really feel much lighter!

Jennifer Wilson

Katia is one of the most gifted people I have worked with.

When I had my session she really blew my mind. I had a confirmation on what was in my heart in terms of my soul purpose. She explained the root cause of some of the issues I was having, and after clearing my energy I felt so much lighter. I cannot recommend Katia enough, I will work with her again for sure.

Valentina Marulli

Embarking on the self-love coaching program with Katia guided me towards many realizations and “ah-ha” moments.

I like how she marries the psychological aspects and the energetic/spiritual side of healing. I used to see a therapist however the transformation was nothing compared to my journey with Katia. She is very dedicated to her craft and helping her clients grow. Her guidance has helped me be a better mother and partner to my family. I cannot thank you enough Katia!

Chantel Kismet

Katia is highly intuitive.

I find myself returning to her when I want a clear view of what is going on with my life, and what is needed to be healed. I always find new ways to heal from her guidance that I had not thought of or come across before. Thank you Katia.

Rania Bader

I was so blown away!

I followed Katia Beeden on Instagram because I wanted to know more of my past and the effects it has on my current life. I finally had my session on December 17th 2021 because I wanted to clear whatever issues from the past before starting 2022. I was so blown away by her in-depth reading of me and as well as the healing process that was performed before and after the session. Even though it has been a few days, I feel so determined to honor my God given right to enjoy my life and live an abundant life. I will definitely sign up for future coaching sessions.

Jennifer Wilson

Katia demonstrates such superb expertise!

I’m so glad I had the opportunity to experience a session with Katia. She was thorough but also so considerate. I finished the session still feeling so supported. I would definitely recommend her to others.

Annie H

I’ve been working on healing myself with Katia for a few years now.

I’ve met with her almost every 2 months since September 2019 and I can really say that my life has improved so much since I met her and started doing the healing work with her. It’s helped me a lot with everything! 🤍

Sysilia Hanis

Katia showed up for me in a massive way when I was at a crossroads in my life.

A lot of past trauma and stuck energy was in my psyche and physical body. With the tools, space and support Katia offered me, I was able to shift things I subconsciously knew required shifting. The phantom locked door appeared and the key was presented to me, in my hand, to access the positive shifts and new reality that was waiting for me on the other side. I am beyond grateful for the love, guidance and light Katia was able to help shine on me. I highly recommend Katia, her services, her guidance and light… especially now in such times we’re experiencing.

Matt King

I had a great experience with Katia.

She shed so much light on things that I did not realize I was holding on to, including false beliefs. The amount of information I got from one session was substantial, and I love how quickly she was able to deliver what I needed to hear to learn and grow. More importantly, I love her emphasis on doing the work ourselves. I am so grateful to have had someone point out my blind spots, and I’m very appreciative of the homework she provides in order to help change so I no longer repeat old patterns. I highly recommend Katia!

Lindsey Merle

Katia was extremely thorough and on-point with her observations.

Her delivery was done with compassion and ease. Katia made me feel comfortable, answered questions thoughtfully and honestly, and was down to earth in her approach. Katia brings wisdom, light, life experience, and intuition into her work with you ,and offers you the gift of insight and healing. I had a powerful session and cannot recommend Katia enough.

Crystal Roland

I really found the session with Katia helped to clarify my doubts and answer my questions.

I also found talking to Katia an incredibly uplifting and empowering experience. She just has a way of making a person feel good. She knows who a person really is and makes you see yourself for who you are! She’s extremely positive and I’m so glad I connected with her!

Megha K

It’s truly a blessing to come across Katia.

She’s not only a healer but an amazing compassionate coach as well. She listens to everything with an open heart and gives you her practical wisdom/approach towards life. My sessions were on point and Katia was nice enough to explain everything in detail. It totally resonated and I seriously recommend anyone who wants to do a healing session – you will be amazed!


I just love Katia.

This was my third session with her and with every session she just brings so much of clarity in my life. She goes above and beyond with each reading to give you the most satisfied answers. I love the way she combines spirituality and practicality in order to give you detailed answers. I truly love her sessions and recommend anyone who’s been seeking answers to their inner self.

Krisha Shah

Katia knew how to light a fire under my ass to get what I desire.

I’m always so fearful and have limiting beliefs and she was very good at pulling me out of that kind of mind frame. Thanks to her I am messaging my manager about the job as I write this. Love from Canada! ❤️

Megan Amodeo

Katia provided deep insights into my life.

I got chills multiple times, as her words resonated with my spirit. I left the reading feeling very emotional but in a good way! like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I feel motivated to make new choices in my life. Thanks Katia!

Kyla Coulter

A hero on a journey requires a guide to illuminate the way.

I am grateful to have adventured the #SelfLoveJourney with Katia as my compassionate coach because the experience has profoundly served my life. Thank you

Matteo Favazzo

I came to Katia very open and eager to hear what she had to say.

It was INCREDIBLE! It gave me a really beautiful sense of control over my own life and the permission to make decisions that work for ME. I am so grateful to her and to her abilities.

Iana Sundari

I’ve been participating in Katia’s #SelfLoveJourney Coaching sessions and I can’t recommend her enough!

Katia has helped me to truly understand who I am.  Katia helped me to become aware of my unconscious beliefs/ patterns/traumas and to break free. I’ve healed parts of myself, as well as family dynamics and wounds. Katia provided me with knowledge, techniques, and personal guidance, for overcoming various struggles that I was dealing with. After taking Katia’s coaching sessions, I can confidently say that I am AWAKE and I know my life purpose, who I am, and where I am headed. Thank you, thank you, Katia!


My session with Katia was memorable and one for the book.

Almost a year later and it still resonates with me. Her sessions are not fear-based. You don’t feel the need to go back shortly after. She gives you insight and work to do that are timeless. Her session was a turning point in my life. It was exactly the guidance I needed at the time. I am forever grateful.


Katia is beyond words a true healer!

She gave me the clarity I needed for my life and helped me cure few wounds from my childhood with her amazing affirmations during our session. I love how she combined self love techniques. She has been one of the best mentors I’ve come across. Also she helped me release few stuck emotions. Thank you Katia! 💕


Katia Beeden is the real deal.

Her gift of insight and knowledge is extraordinary. Durning my session I began to feel a positive shift. Damaging beliefs I held began to fall away including my desire to “withdraw,” and solid sense of self-sufficiency emerged. I’m beginning to feel like my True Self. I love this new adventure unfolding. Thank you Katia!

Dana Lichtstrahl

She’s talented and I am grateful.

Here I am almost a year later after my session with Katia. To see my healing personified is unspeakable. And it’s apparent. It’s amazing to still be unpacking these things after such time and to have a clearer idea of why they are happening. Katia has helped me forge a new perspective of what is really going on. We all need this type of healing in our lives.

Chyanna Walters

Going through the #SelfLoveJourney Coaching Program with Katia for 3 months has been a grounding force in my healing journey.

Katia’s knowledge-based, and structured approach, paired with her kind understanding and dedication to the weekly sessions, let me know that healing with self-love was possible for me. I would not have healed many of my wounds without Katia’s help, that is certain. Healing from narcissistic abuse is no joke, and you do not have to do it alone. It’s best to have someone guide you through the dark, choppy waters. I cannot recommend the #SelfLoveJourney Coaching Program enough! Engaging Katia to help me heal was indeed one of the best decisions I have made since learning to trust myself again! Thanks a million again Katia! Love to you always! xx

Sharifah Shaliza Syed Manshor

Incredibly accurate and to the point.

Katia was so accurate and I was so excited! Thank you xx


Thank you Katia for your warm energy and gift!

My session was eye-opening and necessary for my journey towards healing. Katia was very thorough and it was just what my soul needed to hear to move forward with confidence and live my best life.

Lupita Lule

She was professional, with a clear and empathetic communication manner.

My session with Katia was an incredibly healing and life-changing experience. The session validated so much that I had felt intuitively on a soul level for a very long time. She also introduced new insights that have made me feel empowered to pursue the life I want according to my soul purpose. I came to Katia by recommendation from a friend, and have since recommended her readings to anyone interested in deepening their relationship with their soul. Thank you, Katia!

Andrea Rebecca


It’s not really that I was at all skeptical, but I had no idea that it would be so accurate! Blew my mind away, I am still getting goosebumps typing this! I learned so much about myself in just a few hours, that I am beginning to question everything I thought I knew! This is why I listen to my intuition so much! Thank you so much for this clarity and you have now awakened my curious side to continue working with you!

Gleoneisi Ramirez

The session with Katia and was extremely eye-opening.

She was patient and being understood with that much truth was indeed healing. She brings clarity and I am grateful. Furthermore, I am excited to be starting my #SelfLoveJourney Coaching Program with Katia this coming May 🙂

Sharifah Shaliza Syed Manshor

Katia has been such a beacon and anchor for my healing over the past few years.

Working with Katia brings me so much clarity, direction and trust that with a little bit of “untethering” and devotion to my self-love journey, I can manifest miracles. Thank you, Katia, for all of the life-shifting work that you do. If you are ready to SHIFT big in your life and you are drawn to working with Katia – please give yourself this gift and watch as your best life unfolds in front of you. Lots of love to you!

Grace Guevara

This is powerful, life transforming work!

This has been my second session with Katia, which like the first, has been exceptionally helpful and informative. After my first session my entire life has changed for the better, I got married, left a job that was draining my energy and moved to a beautiful new city all within a space of one year, this is powerful, life transforming work!!! Thank you Katia for your assistance and intervention which is very much appreciated. Lots of love.

A Harinarain

I had my first session today with Katia and it was awesome

She guided me and what I love most about her is she is so positive and has great energy. Thank you so much for my session and I look forward to another one in the future!

Jennifer Camporeale

What an incredible experience!

I have been following Katia for many years and FINALLY had a session! I received a lot of clarity today and am so appreciative for her gift!


I had an amazing session with Katia

I felt like a weight was lifted off of me, and I have a better understanding of my journey ahead. I highly recommend booking a session. It is life-changing.

Crystal Phose

You have given me hope when I felt completely lost!

Katia has been a big help when it came to making life-changing decisions. Her session is so detailed and it gave me a clearer picture of which steps I could take next and which direction I should go towards. She has guided me on which areas I should work on and to focus on self-love. Thank you, Katia!


I’m very grateful for the blessings.

Booked a session with Katia, and had a very profound experience. She showed me some very deep insights, as well as taught me some very valuable lessons.

Majestic Mystic

Katia was incredible.

Thank you so much for the session today, everything we talked about resonated with me on a very deep level. The session has really transformed the way I see my present situation and has given me the tools to move forward on working on my self-love and self-fulfillment. You were absolutely amazing, and I look forward to talking to you again in three months.



I was guided to book a session with Katia and what she read for me totally resonated.

The session has laid a concrete foundation for me to make positive, aligned choices for my future, as I know who I am and why I am doing what I am doing. I have faith in what she shared and believe that in future sessions with her, I will gain even more knowledge about my soul and my life purpose which will help keep me aligned with ABUNDANCE. Thank you very much!

Ha Pham

Katia is really gifted and is a transformative and intuitive healer.

I was guided towards Katia. Her posts resonated so deeply with the experience that I was going through and the lessons that i was learning. I booked an Intuitive session with her regarding guidance on a specific issue. The reading was absolutely clear and provided the correct guidance and direction. The energy healing was absolutely transformative and I experienced profound shifts within me. God bless her!


I will work with her again.

I came to her feeling jaded, I’m happy with what I received and it resonated deeply, moreover I felt my energy and spirit lift a little too. It’s almost like she got my pulse and what I wanted to say. I believe she is gifted and it’s lovely to know that support is available when we feel blind sometimes. Thank you and  blessings!


I look forward to having her coach me as I branch off on this new journey.

After my first session, I had a lot within me that needed to be brought to light. Katia opened up parts of me with the utmost comfort and love. Because of my trust in her efforts as a coach, I feel more confident in knowing that I’ll be back to my authentic self in due time!

Dara Lemes

After my session, I understood how everything fits together like a puzzle.

I feel a sense of freedom and inner peace – indescribable! Blockages were brought to light and I feel I can live more authentically. Thank you so much, Katia for this wonderful experience. I can move forward with joy. Thank you!


I am feeling amazing and I am forever grateful.

Katia, Thank you for the session, it boosted my faith and self-confidence. 💫 🌟🤗 Thank you once again. Luisa xo


I felt that I was being truly guided and supported.

I not only received the guidance and information I needed. I am grateful and feel blessed for being guided to Katia. She helped me to see clearly my own life and choices. I found peace and certainty during and after my session. Thank you x


I highly recommend Katia

It all started as Katia’s daily posts started to appear on my explore fields on Instagram. I have recognized parts of myself that have come to the surface that are aligned with my current situation. The tone that Katia used during the whole email was really supportive and positive. I will definitely use her services next time I need clarity for myself. Thank you so much, Katia!

Stéphane Ferreira

I feel so much lighter, clearer.

I had a 90 min session with Katia. We sorted out so much during this time. I really appreciate that she was very thorough and was able to show me a lot of revelations about my issues. What can I say but thank you so much Katia!  Also the affirmations you gave in your follow up email is helping too!


What a journey!

Blessings and eye-opening guidance to the True, happy version of ourselves and our surroundings. God bless.


I can honestly say that she is truly gifted.

She made me feel warm, welcome and like I was her old friend. Her insight and wisdom that she is able to provide through each session has given me guidance when I needed it most within the past 2 years of my life. I appreciate her positive and bright energy, you have planted seeds for change within me through your words. Love and light xx

Jarrai Turay

I had a session today and it was AMAZING.

Katia really tapped into how I feel I am as a person, even revealing things to me that I probably wouldn’t have thought about myself. I feel I have had patterns in my life that didn’t seem to make sense to me. I had no idea why I would react in a particular way in certain situations but I would struggle to break this cycle. Katia has also given me lots of positive steps that I can take and I am excited to start doing my homework. I am so glad I had the session and I would recommend it to anyone else! ❤️


How can something like this be put into words?

To say I loved this session would simply be an understatement. Not only did this deeply resonate with me but I literally feel transformed. May God and His Angels be with you always. ❤

Alexis Orellana

I was drawn to Katia’s work through her Instagram page.

Since I started following her daily reading posts, it seemed like almost every one matched things I was thinking about and my energies which I found inspiring. I decided to do an emailed session with her which was definitely accurate. I believe Katia is thoughtful in her insights and, if you need direct guidance on something, she will help provide clarity in your life. Much appreciation!


Katia’s session came into my life at precisely the right time.

She gave clarity to things that I had a gut feeling for although was lacking the intuitiveness to fully grasp and understand, and for that I’m grateful. She definitely understands the divine masculine and how to work with their power within better than most males will admit to knowing. Thank you Katia.

Mike N

Love, love, LOVE the session I did with Katia.

I’m a strong believer that everything happens for a reason and it is no coincidence that I was able to connect with her. So many things I didn’t quite understand about myself or my life, were answered and she explains things in a way that is so easy to understand. I am so happy to be able to move forward with my life in such a positive way. I can not wait to book again! Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️

Tatiana Salazar

The session hit home and resonated.

Katia is truly an amazing and skillful soul who is absolutely doing what she came here to do for this planet, I’m convinced! I have struggled for a long time with trust and  I feel like I lost that edge awhile back and haven’t been able to quite get it back in my life for a long time. Until yesterday. For the first time, in many years, it feels like I’m on my way back, and I can’t tell you just how good that feels. Thank you does not seem enough. Many blessings Katia and all those she helps! ❤️🙏😇Lisa

Lisa Custardo

My session with Katia was simply transformational.

I cannot in any words say how incredible this was for me – and how grateful I am for the work Katia has done for me – and the work I am now doing for myself everyday. 100% recommended. Thank you x

Andrea Robson

On point, direct, relevant, 100%.

Provided clarity and direction.

Jeanie S

Highly recommended.

I left the call with clarity and knowledge, and was given a clear direction as to what I needed to do next, both for my business and love life.

Sean Lazio

Katia helped me find clarity with a difficult decision in my life.

I love her vibes and she comes across with much love and helpfulness in her messages. I love her daily Instagram posts and am happy with my reading. Thank you!!

Jennifer Calvente

I was blown away!

Katia, thank you so much for the opportunity to connect with you for a energy healing session. Thank you for showing me exact areas within myself, my life and my relationships that I need to work through. Every issue that was discussed was exactly on point, made so much sense and gave me a better, clearer understanding of myself. Issues and behaviors that I felt unsure of were explained, giving me a sense of peace and hope, to work towards the betterment of those situations for the future. Thank you for taking me through the energy healing process, I could truly feel the energy at work in my body. It was so easy and comfortable talking with you. You have a great healing gift Katia and I am blessed to have been able to receive that from you. Anyone who is looking for clarification, guidance, healing and positive steps to take their life forward will be in safe and capable hands with Katia. Its been a wonderful experience and I look forward to connecting again. Much love and gratitude

Shannon Lee Holmes

I highly recommend Katia and I definitely see myself working with her again in the near future

I am so happy I chose her – it gave me so much clarity. She even went above and beyond explaining how I need to ground myself and sent me a follow-up email with some positive affirmations I should say. I cried during the session which means I was releasing all the negative energy out of my life and body! Thank you again for everything.

Emir Basakinci

What a wonderful experience I was given from Katia Beeden.

Cutting cords. Removing toxic energy. Realigning my soul mission. Thank you for clearing energy of my timelines. Everything is perfectly realigned in my energy.

Colleen Marie Rague

She brought things to my attention I wasn’t aware of, and now I can heal those things.

I highly recommend her!

Noreen F Connolly

I highly recommend Katia’s services!

Her sessions are detailed, accurate and very insightful. She presents your information with such love and support. She also provides clarity for anything you may be confused about. I believe Katia is truly a gift from God here to assist us – so thankful for her presence!

Kelly Anderson

Thank you, Katia!

I always feel energized with such clarity after I’ve had a session with you. |You’re so generous with your love and time. I found today’s session so fascinating and insightful. You have such a gift and it really helped me to understand myself at a deeper level. I feel so clear about where I’m heading and reassured that I’m on track. I’m excited about the future and cannot wait to get stuck into my homework – yes I will do it! I’ll look forward to my next session with you. Thank you once again. I truly appreciate all that you do.

Lisa Parkes

Thank you once again – and she is absolutely amazing!

This was my first session with her and I’m in such peace. I finally get to see some light in this tunnel I’ve been trying to get through. Thank you for your patience and confidence building. I really was able to see what I need to do to be at peace with myself and finally move one. Thank you for the affirmations and reminding me that before we meet ‘The One’ we need to love ourselves first.

Angie Ag.

Katia has become a very instrumental advisor for me.

I am so grateful for her beautiful, timely and accurate way of sharing – Not only is she so intuitive, she has a way of sharing the message that truly resonates and helps people. It is her heart that makes her even more special. I highly recommend working with her. God bless you Katia and thank you for the work that you do. Valerie

Valerie Bote

Thank you Katia.

I followed my heart to contact Katia when I saw her IG. There is a warm, down-to-earth, compassionate and reassuring energy about her just from the IG posts. And she turned out to be exactly that over Skype. And there is also a crisp clarity that points one to specific directions. What she picked up is very accurate and was like putting words to how I have been feeling but doubting. So I truly appreciate the honest insights. The cord cutting was gentle but very releasing and affirming, helping me to take some first steps to learning to choose for me first! I am very thankful for the healing session!


I look forward to my next session with her!

I just did my first session with Katia! I loved it. It was spot on and I had this burst of energy and optimism for the rest of the day.

Emily Zupan

Very accurate and positive.


So caring, helpful and and insightful.

I really loved chatting with you and taking in all the good information and guidance. Thank you so much for sharing yourself xxxx



I’ve had three extremely insightful sessions with Katia over the last couple years.

Thank you, Katia, for always making time to fit me in your busy schedule, right when I need you! She listens with an open mind and heart. Whatever I tell her, she is present. I feel safe and comfortable sharing my personal fears and heartaches bc i know she does not come in with any judgment. She is all about her clients finding peace and clarity and it feels like meeting up with an old friend – it’s helpful, positive and there’s always humor involved. A lot of time, people can’t talk about things in their lives bc of the fear of what others may say, think or feel – or they are faced with their inner thoughts, judgements and guilt… but Katia reminds me every time – it’s all about what I create inside me – no matter what – it comes down to MY self love, even if it takes going back  to face and forgive what still may he holding me back. She helps connect past and present issues that make me think, wow, that makes sooo much sense! Katia helps me see things in a different light – it’s pretty incredible to see how it all connects!  I always leave my sessions feeling empowered to move forward with My Life. Aloha & Thank u Katia!! xoxoxo

A. McV

I definitely recommend and look forward to future sessions.

I don’t normally reach out to people based off of their Instagram, but I’m so glad I did! Katia’s session was the perfect mix of comfort and guidance. It gave me a sense of relief and clarity. I walked away with actual steps I can take to support myself on my self-growth journey. Katia has a gift and wisdom to match.


Katia was very thorough and amazing!

She truly helped me to gain insight in a loving and gentle way. She does have a true gift! ♡ So grateful.

Victoria Finnegan

I really enjoyed her energy and how precise she was

I recently had a session with Katia. She was very informative regarding my current situation. The details being right on without even knowing it! I would strongly recommend her. She will make you comfortable right away and help you to move forward. She has a kind heart and soul. Thank you so much Katia for all your help.

Barbara Holzgrebe

I highly recommend Katia.

This was my second session with Katia. She is informative and spot on with situations in my life. She also helped to understand it’s ok to put myself first. The most amazing part was the cord cutting. I felt it working immediately.

Stephanie Mayo

Katia’s session was deep and thought-provoking.

Her energy and cord-cutting were powerful and I felt much better afterwards – like I’d had a spiritual shower. A genuine and plugged-in healer.


Her sessions leave me feeling light and hopeful.

I’ve had several sessions with Katia and would highly recommend her services to anyone. Not only does Katia illuminate what you need to work on (in a loving and supportive way) but she also provides steps you can take and tools you can use to help remedy the situation. Her abilities, kindness and intuition are true gifts to all. Many thanks Katia!!!!

Hannah Hamel

The session I had with Katia today was insightful.

She helped me to see things clearly and to work on myself and to put me first. She’s very genuine, honest and straight to the point which I really admired. She’s very inspiring and I feel like I have my power back after talking with her. Anytime I need clarity I will definitely contact her. Thank you again, Katia!!!!!

Chevon Young

My session with Katia was very positive and straight to the point.

Katia is very intuitive and compassionate. She gave me an all-around view of my situation and gave me insights into what my subconsciousness really feels and wants. The energy healing was very helpful and I feel great afterward. And most importantly, she made me feel that I am enough. I should not worry about anything and focus on my self and my own growth.

Tiffany Chan

My session with Katia was so inspiring.

She is a very intuitive and empathic person. The healing process is such a good experience, I suggest you book a session if you are looking for more clarity or for guidance in a moment of confusion. Thanks Katia!


I highly recommend her.

I started following Katia on Instagram. I have been going through very difficult times in my life but Katia gave me hope. Not only was she spot on but it was also more like therapy for me. Speaking to her gave me a lot of courage and hope. 🙏💖

Mina Daldar

I don’t even know where to start, Katia you are so appreciated.

The healing you gave me today is inconceivable. I am filled with gratitude and am traveling lighter after our session. I highly highly recommend her to anyone. Give her a try, you will not regret it. I had no one that I could talk to about the things going on within me and around me. I was led to her and I am thankful.

Ruth. T

The start of a new life….

Katia was so thorough and all-embracing. She made me feel at ease being as though this was the first time. She touched on points that were so relevant and she provided me with affirmations and breathing techniques that would assist with my healing journey. I look forward to speaking to her again and also recommending her to my friends and family who are also on a healing journey.

Iman Stewart

This session truly changed my life.

Katia is amazing. After a recommendation from a friend I decided to schedule a session. She gave me insight on the unhealthy patterns I had and where they stemmed from. She also provided tips on how to change them to live a more fulfilling life. She is truly a genuine and caring soul and would encourage anyone to receive her gift.

Danielle Phillips

This was the boost I needed to forge ahead on my journey!

After much trial and error, I decided to contact Katia. There were many things I needed assistance with, but I was especially concerned about recurring patterns in my life centering around unhealthy and unfulfilling relationships. Katia really added a fine point to many of the issues while reinforcing others. Thank you, Katia, for sharing your time, your insight and your story. Warmly, Kercena Ball

Kercena Ball

I must begin with saying how grateful I am that I could connect with Katia.

I have had multiple sessions with her, and it’s been a journey.. Her energy is so calm, her words so comforting, and she has guided me, given me hope and clarity and I trust her 100%. Her Instagram page is super insightful too and I love it. Thank you, Katia

Siya Sethi

Her guidance is so comforting and on point.

I’ve had sessions with Katia for the last 2 years and I have to say that every time, I feel as though a great burden is lifted from me.  Her energy is always healing and inspirational. She’s my tried and true spiritual warrior 🙂 I look forward to my next session with Katia!

Dally Perez

I’m so grateful to Katia.

Every session I’ve had with her has been spot-on, insightful, helpful and quite reassuring. She’s very kind, calm and honest about what’s going on with me. After each session she provides you with ideas/steps on what to do next on your journey. I will only go to Katia for cord cutting and I have recommended her to some friends. Thank you, Katia!

Neera M

Thank you so much for your positive energy!

I found Katia through Instagram and her posts always resonated with me so I decided to book a session. It was so insightful (and emotional) and her guidance has been really helpful so far. I am very grateful for it and I look forward to working with her again in the future.

Luisa D

I can’t say enough good about Katia.

I am very grateful for all the wonderful advice and enlightening information she continues to give me. She has helped me through several major decisions I had to make within the last year. Yes – I’ve had several sessions and am positive that I will be reaching out for a follow up in the near future. Thank you, Katia for sharing your light.

Valerie Bote

I can’t thank you enough Katia

Like I said, my session  was so emotional and yet so beautiful. Thank you again for the guidance. xoxo

Carmen R

I intuitively felt I could trust her.

I was introduced to Katia through Instagram over a year ago. I loved her posts and felt an instant connection. I booked a session with her and a year later booked another one. It was the most eye-opening session of my life. I had been searching for what she told me for years in self-development trainings and books. In one session she unlocked a hidden part of me. It was intense and deep, and I am so grateful. Thank you Katia <3

Rania B

Thank you, you truly are an angel.

Katia is nothing short of amazing! I called her in a panic and she totally calmed me down. Her sweetness and kindness just adds to the experience. I am so grateful for her as she gave me the peace I needed, and most importantly, the path I know I need to follow – as she said, “FOCUS” on. She takes the time to email after the call. I will continue to call her forever!

Tina A.

My session with Katia has been nothing short of amazing.

She is kind, compassionate, honest, and definitely looks out for your wellbeing. I definitely felt very comfortable with her, and she is very intuitive and spot on. It had been a powerful, enlightening, and insightful session for me overall. I left the session with much clarity on what to do next and feeling lighter and brighter, and I was even assigned homework so I could continue the healing process, which I am very grateful for! Thank you so much, Katia.

Stephanie C.

Katia is hands down amazing.

I’ve experienced two sessions with her and she is spot on. I always leave the session with clarity and gratitude. Her energy is compassionate and intuitive and I feel comfortable and aligned during our sessions. Not only do I love experiencing a one on one session with Katia, but I find inspiration in her daily posts on Instagram. I will always be a repeat customer and I have been recommending her services to all my friends. Thank you Katia!

Olivia R Hamel

Thank you Katia!

I had already been following Katia’s IG when I reached out to her for a session. I now know I was specifically led to her. At the time I had reached out to Katia, there were multiple crossroads I had been deliberating over- more like been struggling over. The cord cutting was emotional and powerful for me. I appreciated how she dove deeper than we had originally planned for – providing me guidance and support. Katia is truly a gift.

Trupti Pullen

Katia is such a wonderful, kind and compassionate soul!

I have been working with her for over a year now and she is always on point and extremely intuitive! She has provided me with great guidance and direction. I very much enjoyed our sessions and her guidance and will continue to work with her! 💞💞✨💫

Jaclyn O

She is a gift to work with and to learn from.

Katia is not only gifted and intuitive, she is highly compassionate and empathetic and quite a rarity in her field. She has a vast knowledge from her years of studies that she so generously shared with her clients. Katia takes great time and care in the multitude of ways that she works to be both a messenger and a friend in helping us to clear a path in the direction for all that we desire for our lives.

Dawn Gaia

She truly has a gift.

I had another session with Katia a few weeks ago and once again, her insight was completely on target with what I had been feeling. She helped clear many blocks. She also reminded me to always believe in myself and my intuition. So, THANK YOU again, Katia, for sharing your talent, wisdom, gift and love with us! Until the best time…xoxo #thankfulgratefulblessed


I’d recommend her to everyone!!!

She is completely in tune with you as a client and you are completely changed. It could not have come at a better time for me, and the session was completely aligned.


I found peace and encouragement.

Today, I personally discovered Katia’s incredible energy, light, and gift, it enveloped me. I found peace and encouragement in moving forward on the path before me. A true blessing!!


She is an angel.

The moment I answered her Skype call, I instantly felt comfortable enough to open up completely. I feel armed and ready to make the absolute most of my life 🙂

Caitie Pautler

Katia and I connected through Instagram earlier this year.

Our first session together felt so safe and familiar. What I loved from the start, is that with Katia, it feels like you’re talking to an old, yet very wise friend! Katia has beautiful gifts and what I ALSO love (let’s be real, what DON’T I love?) is that she ends each session with cord cutting which has been such a tremendous help during my self-love and healing journey. I always look forward to the next time I get to connect with her. Seriously, if you’ve stumbled upon Katia whether, through Google, Instagram, Twitter or any type of social media and you feel guided to connect with her – DO SO! She always brings so much clarity and guidance for the next steps that are needed for whatever journey you are currently on. Thank you so much, Katia! 🙂 <3

Grace Guevara

Katia is a gem.

I immediately felt comfortable, something that doesn’t happen easily. Everything was so clear, all my questions were answered, she boosted my confidence, gave me the strength to move forward and reminded me of who I really am. Thank you so much, Katia!

Antonella Almonte

I especially love the way she really listens, she hears you.

I was feeling pretty down, I reached out to Katia and she was very intuitive to my feelings in my session. I feel that she really takes the time with you in her sessions. Most importantly I always feel much better after speaking with her. Thank you Katia for your wonderful direction!


Katia is excellent, committed, present, energetic, supportive.

I’m so impressed by her intuition, her awareness and her encouragement. I loved my session.

Kerri O

Katia takes the time to genuinely connect with you.

I first came to know Katia on Instagram. At the time, I was going through a personal situation that took a big toll on me. I requested a session to gain a sense of clarity and direction. A year later and I am in a different place in life. I requested another session and she provided practical life advice… patience, encouragement, and a reminder to continue taking care of myself. Sometimes we need extra help to get through tough times and we reach out to others.

Cristina Gonzalez

Katia is a beautiful soul.

Her genuine concern and passion to help me heal and help me understand the ways in which I can resolve my issues is why I continue to return to her. I have the utmost faith and trust in Katia. I would recommend her to anyone. xx

Jarrai T

You feel embraced by her warmth and confidence immediately.

Katia is one of the most intuitive individuals I have ever had the pleasure of speaking with. A truly eye-opening and transformative experience.

Emma S

Katia is amazing!

I immediately felt love, light and warmth at the beginning of our session. During the session Katia was so insightful and at the end I even cried because I had finally felt a sense of relief from my fears and worries that I had never felt before. I even got tips on how to help calm my anxiety and quiet my fears. The session was way more than what I could of asked for and I cannot wait to schedule another one sometime soon.

Chloe Ameral

I feel such relief, like a load of bricks has fallen away after working with Katia!

The session gave me clarity and an ability to just let go. It was truly uplifting.


Thank you, Katia for the amazing energy and positivity.

It’s not the destination, it’s the journey. At some point, the journey feels like the destination with the acknowledgment of what you need rather than what you want. Thank you, Katia for the amazing energy and positivity.


The session has helped a lot.

You are my daily reminder to stay positive.


She is an absolute professional and deeply passionate about her craft

Katia brought amazing insight into my life that helped me move forward and enjoy a more peaceful life! She is an absolute professional and deeply passionate about her craft, very grateful to have worked with her!

Joe Barlik

Katia was amazing!

Katia was the best. She was so warm and authentic and it really helped me to release some built up tension. I will definitely go to her again. Thanks again, Katia!

Liz Valli

Thank you again, Katia for your time and care.

I met with Katia today. She was so kind and helpful and so full of love and light. She helps me have clarity on what I have to do to move forward. What is so special about her is that she truly has the most sincere intentions of helping others. God bless.

Valerie Bote

I’m grateful I found her.

I’ve been working with her for the better part of the last year and it has been nothing but spot on clarity. She allows me to be honest so I can move forward in my spiritual growth and she truly is a guiding light and teacher. I go to her only when I’m truly compelled because she has given me skills I can use to grow on my own. I always leave a session 100% better.

Terri Green

Katia was extremely healing for me.

I felt instantly connected to her from the start. She is very talented and honest and true in what she does. I thoroughly enjoyed the healing and prayers at the end. I am on a road of self love and I feel She understands and relates to the journey where her intuitive counseling is from the heart and full of genuine love and light. I will be speaking with her in August again xo

Elisha Spanton

I have had two sessions with Katia.

She is very supportive and she really helped to bring some insight to my life and situation. Her loving, yet assertive approach made me feel empowered after each session.

Katharine Rosger

This was a wonderful experience on many levels.

Thank you for my session and all that went with it. This was a wonderful experience on many levels. I slept through the night worry free, for the first time in a while. Your grace and generosity of spirit are rare and I am very grateful to have connected with you, the Universe is truly magnificent.

Karin Brumer

Katia was kind and understanding.

I felt at ease telling her my fears and doubts although its our first time connecting.I knew I made the right choice reaching out to her in my time making big decisions and changes to my life. She is supportive and she is good at what she does…her prayers and meditations were powerful, at ease and soothing. Thanks again Katia for the peace, love and light. Much love.

Sharifah Shaliza

More people need this.

I started following Katia’s Instagram page through a friend’s recommendation. I had an amazing experience with her and I’m now living my dream! Thank you Katia for all your support. You are awesome. Keep rocking and keep giving.


Mansi Shah

Katia is by far the best. 

You can feel all the effort she is putting into helping you heal.  Katia did a great job identifying my roadblocks from past to present and helping me release negativity associated with these blocks.  I felt like I could breath better after the session and my whole body was lighter.  Katia spends so much time talking with you and listening to you – the session wasn’t rushed at all.  Katia even writes a follow-up email with additional helpful healing affirmations.  Amazing how much time and effort she spends helping your particular situation.  After the reading, I am more confident about who I am and what the future holds.  I feel free from my mind of worries and pain.  Anyone should try her for clarity in any situation, guidance or healing.  Best money I spent all week and maybe all year.  I will certainly recommend her to my friends and will use her in the future if I’m ever feeling down about any life situation and especially love.  I can’t thank her enough.

Tara Harwood

Katia’s did a very good job!

Anyone who wants loving and gentle,  yet clear guidance on specific topics in their life would benefit from working with her.

Patrick Schaasberg

Aloha Katia, I just couldn’t help but writing again to thank you for being so thorough.

Your descriptions and explanations are so clear and easy to understand and it is so obvious that you’re speaking from the heart and soul. Thank u.

Aynsley McVickar

Katia, Thank you VERY much for the healing and guidance.

I really am grateful and thankful for discovering you. Everything you said resonated with me. Thank you again.

Gemma Walker

Thanks so much from my heart.

As I strive to accept and integrate everything that is my life and personal journey, I’m grateful for your intuition and guidance. And I feel so much more power within than ever before. May your life always be filled with the light you give to others.

Klade Hammond

I am very pleased with Katia.

Her sessions are very detailed and genuine. I will continue to use her services to assist me with my healing journey.

Angela Carranza


I definitely had already made my decision before, but it’s just more confirmation and validation that I am making the right choice. I woke up two nights ago and could go back to sleep. I didn’t feel restless though. I felt…calm and peaceful like it was the middle of a relaxing afternoon.

Ashley Cole

I had a wonderful experience with both of my sessions that were done by Ms. Katia.

Her sessions were insightful and instantly relatable. What I enjoyed most was the guidance that was provided. I knew how to move forward into a more positive and light direction. I highly recommend her as your counselor. You won’t be disappointed!


I feel blessed to have been able to connect with you.

I have already made slow, graceful steps to move forward. From my heart to yours, thank you!

Jennifer Mooney

Thank You Katia for such an AMAZING session!

I truly believe everything happens for a reason and we are meant to meet people to help us when we need it most. Coming across your page on Instagram has been such a true blessing for me!!! I was in a very hard place in my life suffering from depression and dealing with life changing decisions that I wasn’t prepared for. I was having a hard time letting go of a painful past. After our session I felt reassured that I am on “MY” right path and that I’m not alone! I’m no longer living in fear or shadows. I feel confident in my decisions… But most of all free!!! I can’t wait for my next one!  Thank you!!!

Rose Santini

 Her passion shows in every session!

She’s pure and only wants the best for her clients. I’m grateful I was guided to her!

Tenaje Ndah

I’ve had several sessions, Katia is truly gifted.

I cannot say enough about  Katia’s services. She really puts time and thought into her sessions. I was able to receive impactful insight during the process. Katia is truly gifted and I would highly recommend a reading with her.

Megan o'Connor

I was deeply moved by the accuracy of the session.

She was very helpful and I also love her Instagram account it helps me daily when I have doubts or questions! Thank you Katia for being so helpful.

Kenia Orozco

Katia! I can not Thank You enough for helping me through the confused time that I was facing.

Your advice helped me get rid of all the negative influences in my life and made way for the One that is meant for me… He just came out of nowhere… and now I am getting married next year! Thank You so much for your patience, your guidance and advice!

Ruby Kaur
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